Curriculum and Instruction in Inclusive Education - M.S.Ed Degree
Department of Education
Office: E270 Thompson Hall
(716) 673-3701
Dr. Kathleen Gradel, Chairperson
Robert Dahlgren, Program Coordinator
The College of Education at the State University of New York at Fredonia prepares early childhood, childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence educators for the significant instructional challenges that await them. The general philosophy underlying the Responsive Educator Program is an organized, yet complex model, which correlates with the themes that characterize current educational research. That is, we believe that all children can learn, and that they can learn best by teachers who are responsive.
The Curriculum and Instruction in Inclusive Education program is open to educators who possess initial certification in one or more of the following:
- Early Childhood Education
- Childhood Education (formerly Elementary Education)
- Adolescence or Middle Childhood Education in English, French, Mathematics, Social Studies, Spanish, or the Sciences
- Childhood Inclusive Education or Students with Disabilities
This program requires a minimum of 36 credit hours of graduate level courses.
This program includes a capstone experience and specific exit requirements. They are intended to be rigorous and to provide evidence that each degree candidate is worthy of a master's degree. The following are the current exit requirements for the Master of Science in Education in Curriculum and Instruction in Inclusive Education program.
- Performance-based evidence of impact on p-12 student learning (currently in EDU 530)
- Performance-based evidence of technology use in being an effective teacher and professional colleague via portfolio assignment (see program coordinator for this assignment)
- Performance-based evidence of cultural responsiveness as an educator via portfolio assignment (see program coordinator for this assignment)
- Thesis/Project (as culminating experience in EDU 690)
SPECIAL NOTE: Several Courses are offered each semester during the academic year. Candidates are advised not to rely exclusively on summer offerings to meet graduation goals.
Requirements for Admission to the Program without Deficiencies:
- Initial certification to teach early childhood, childhood, middle childhood, adolescence education, or students with disabilities in the public schools of New York State or equivalent.
- Prior (undergraduate) GPA of 3.00 or above.
- Completed Graduate Application submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies, including two current (within six months) letters of recommendation, evidence of completion of DASA training, and official academic transcripts from all prior undergraduate and graduate institutions (except Fredonia).
- Applicants whose native language is not English must also submit proof of demonstrated English proficiency as measured by TOEFL iBT score of 78 (or equivalent) or better.
Curriculum and Instruction in Inclusive Education (initial certifications Early Childhood to Childhood - generalist or students with disabilities)
Minimum number of credit hours required for program completion: 36
EDU 570 | Using Educational Research to Improve Instruction | 3 |
EDU 660 | Conducting Educational Research | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 6 |
EDU 570: Should be completed within the first semester
EDU 660: Must have completed EDU 570 with a B grade or better and 24 credit hours of graduate work
Inclusive Education Core:
EDU 508 | Teaching Exceptional Learners in Inclusive Settings | 3 |
EDU 514 | Assessment and Instruction of Diverse Learners I | 3 |
EDU 529 | Proactive Approaches to Classroom Management in Inclusive Settings | 3 |
EDU 530 | Assessment and Instruction of Diverse Learners II | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 12 |
Linking Content and Pedagogy:
Choose 12 credits from the following:
Literacy/Language Arts
EDU 506 | Introduction to Literacy Instruction | 3 |
EDU 536 | Adolescent Literacies, Literature and Technology | 3 |
EDU 605 | Issues, Trends, and Research in Elementary (Childhood) Language | 3 |
| By advisement | |
| or | |
| By advisement | |
EDU 591 | Special Topics: Curriculum and Instruction | 3 |
EDU 591: Candidates may take no more than 6 credit hours of EDU 591 courses.
Any graduate course not used to satisfy other requirements; advisor approval required.
Capstone (Must have completed EDU 660 with a B grade or better and 30 credit hours of graduate work)
Social Studies
EDU 635 | Curriculum Development in Social Studies Education | 3 |
EDU 636 | Issues, Trends, and Research in Elementary School Social Studies | 3 |
| By advisement | |
| or | |
| By advisement | |
| By advisement | |
| or | |
| By advisement | |
EDU 591 | Special Topics: Curriculum and Instruction | 3 |
EDU 591: Candidates may take no more than 6 credit hours of EDU 591 courses.
EDU 603 | Issues, Trends, and Research in Elementary (Childhood) Science | 3 |
EDU 640 | Issues, Trends, and Research in Elementary (Childhood) Mathematics | 3 |
EDU 642 | Activity-Oriented Elementary Mathematics | 3 |
EDU 643 | Math Assessment in Support of All Learners | 3 |
| By advisement | |
| or | |
| By advisement | |
| | |
| or | |
| By advisement | |
EDU 591 | Special Topics: Curriculum and Instruction | 3 |
EDU 591: Candidates may take no more than 6 credit hours of EDU 591 courses.
EDU 520 | Curriculum Framework Theory/Development | 3 |
EDU 525 | Curriculum Framework Integration/Innovation | 3 |
EDU 528 | Technology in the Schools | 3 |
EDU 543 | Education for Gifted and Talented Students | 3 |
EDU 562 | Infant Development and Education | 3 |
EDU 625 | Early Childhood Curriculum | 3 |
EDU 629 | Issues, Trends, and Research in Early Childhood Education | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 12 |
Any graduate course not used to satisfy other requirements; advisor approval required.
Any graduate course not used to satisfy other requirements; advisor approval required.
Must have completed EDU 660 with a B grade or better and 30 credit hours of graduate work
EDU 690 | Master's Thesis/Project | 3-6 |
Total Credit Hours: | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: 36
Curriculum and Instruction in Inclusive Education (initial certifications Middle to Adolescence - generalist or students with disabilities)
Minimum number of credit hours required for program completion: 36
A minimum of 6 credit hours, not counting the Capstone requirement (see below). Note: At least one course that meets this requirement is offered each semester during the academic year.
EDU 570 | Using Educational Research to Improve Instruction | 3 |
EDU 660 | Conducting Educational Research | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 6 |
EDU 570: Should be completed within the first semester
EDU 660: Must have completed EDU 570 with a B grade or better and 24 credit hours of graduate work
Inclusive Education Core:
EDU 508 | Teaching Exceptional Learners in Inclusive Settings | 3 |
EDU 514 | Assessment and Instruction of Diverse Learners I | 3 |
EDU 529 | Proactive Approaches to Classroom Management in Inclusive Settings | 3 |
EDU 530 | Assessment and Instruction of Diverse Learners II | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 12 |
Linking Content and Pedagogy:
To meet the requirements of the program and NYS regulations, candidates need 12 credit hours of courses that link pedagogy with the content area of their initial certificate. Courses are offered both through the College of Education and the content departments in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.
Candidates should select 12 credit hours of course work in consultation with the C&I Program Coordinator and the appropriate department from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.
Any graduate course not used to satisfy other requirements; advisor approval required.
Must have completed EDU 660 with a B grade or better and 30 credit hours of graduate work
EDU 690 | Master's Thesis/Project | 3-6 |
Total Credit Hours: | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: 36
As of December 31, 2013, candidates in all education programs are required to complete training under the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA). The training required under the Dignity for All Student Act (DASA) will be included in EDU 303 at Fredonia. Graduate candidates who may have completed EDU 303 on campus prior to Spring 2014 must complete the EDU DASA workshop prior to full admission.