Fredonia Honors Program

Office:2148-2151 Fenton Hall

(716) 673-4450

Natalie Gerber, Program Director



The Fredonia Honors Program supports academically motivated students by connecting these students to meaningful opportunities to learn, lead, and live amid a community of like-minded peers.

Admission to the Honors Program is by separate application process. High school seniors, transfer students, and existing Fredonia students are welcome to apply based on the criteria stated on the Honors Program website.

Honors Program Requirements

Honors students will complete three types of courses as part of the Honors Program Curriculum: Honors-only sections within the Fredonia Foundations general education program; upper-level Honors seminars; and a senior project. In consultation with the faculty advisor, students will select the best path for completion. 

The senior project is typically fulfilled by a capstone course or experience in the major (see the Honors block in Degree Works for a list of qualifying courses). Students may also, in consultation with the program director and their primary major adviser, undertake a thesis, major capstone, or a senior recital, exhibition, seminar, or other 400-level coursework to meet this requirement. 

Students may opt to pursue an applied-learning project (minimum 2 credits) in place of any one course that is part of the program requirements. This applied-learning project could be a directed study, field experience or learning assistantship, internship, service-learning project, and/or volunteer project.  Students must consult with the program director prior to the experience to complete a learning contract and to arrange to receive credit.  

Students must also maintain at least a 3.30 cumulative GPA to remain in good academic standing within the Honors Program and to be eligible for any remaining disbursements of the Honors Scholarship. Students will receive a one-time, one-semester grace period to meet the GPA requirement. 

To graduate with successful completion of the Honors Program noted on the transcript, students must complete the Honors Program Curriculum associated with their pathway. 

Honors Program Curriculum 

In keeping with the three pathways for admissions to the Honors Program, the curriculum requirements vary somewhat based on the entry point to the program.

First-Year Students

Fredonia Foundations Honors Courses

6 credits

Upper-Level Honors Seminars

6 credits


3 additional credits from either category above

Senior Project

0-3 credits

Total Program Requirement

15-18 credits



Transfer or Existing Students

Students with at least a 3.30 cumulative GPA may apply to and enter the program at any point after completing 15 credit hours at Fredonia or a prior institution.

15-44 credit hours completed

Fredonia Foundations Honors Courses

6 credits

Upper-Level Honors Seminars

6 or 9 credits

Senior Project

0-3 credits

Total Program Requirement

12-18 credits


45 credit hours and above completed

Fredonia Foundations Honors Courses

0-3 credits



Upper-Level Honors Seminars

6-9 credits

Senior Project

0-3 credits

Total Program Requirement

9-12 credits


Further Enrichment Experiences

In addition to participating in Honors courses and working closely with faculty members distinguished both for scholarship and teaching ability, Honors students may attend or plan additional enrichment experiences for the Honors cohort. Please consult with the Honors Program Director to learn more about these opportunities. In addition, the Honors House provides a unique living and learning experience for students in the program.