Graduate Studies

Office of Admissions 
6th Floor Maytum Hall

(716) 673-3808



The State University of New York at Fredonia offers programs of graduate study leading to the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Music, Master of Science in Education, Master of Arts in Teaching, and Advanced Certificates in School Building Leadership and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). Professional certification to teach in the public schools of New York may be secured concurrently with the master's degree if the student follows a program designed for this purpose. Graduate instruction at Fredonia is offered during the academic year, and in several special sessions (i.e. J-Term, May Term, Summer). Many courses are scheduled to meet in the late afternoons and evenings to accommodate the employed student.

Each graduate student will be assigned a graduate advisor who consults with him/her regarding programmatic, professional, and scholarly development. Within the framework of all programs, the student pursues graduate study consistent with his/her previous preparation and directed toward his/her own academic and professional objectives.

Degree programs in Interdisciplinary Studies are individually designed by the student, submitted to individual departments for review, and approved by the Associate Provost for Graduate Studies, however, the degree program is on hiatus for 2017-2018. For more information, please contact Graduate Studies.