Adolescence Education: English (Multi-Award Program) - B.A./M.A Degree

Department of English
Office: 278 Fenton Hall

(716) 673-3125

Dr. Kim Marie Cole, Chairperson




The English Adolescence Education B.A./M.A. is a five-year multi-award program leading to initial 7-12 certification and eligibility for professional certification (after meeting New York State requirements for classroom teaching experience following completion of the program).  In their undergraduate and graduate coursework, students are part of a community of learners, engaged in thoughtful reading, writing, critical thinking, and pedagogy.  The curriculum includes English courses providing a solid content background and numerous pedagogy courses focused on the teaching of English in the secondary classroom.  In this multi-award program, students complete graduate courses that focus on content and pedagogy.  Student teaching serves as a capstone at the graduate level and involves an intensive experience in the field, applying theoretical foundations to the classroom.  Students will complete the clinically rich, combined B.A./M.A. fully prepared to teach in the secondary schools.  This five-year multi-award degree saves students time and money.  This program requires five years instead of the six in traditional B.A. and M.A. programs, thus saving a year of graduate tuition and other related expenses.  The first three years of the five-year B.A./M.A. program parallel the English Adolescence Education B.A., giving students interested in the multi-award program the opportunity to declare at any time in the first three years.

Major Requirements

  • Students may enter the major upon acceptance into Fredonia either as first-year students or transfers from other colleges. 

  • The BA/MA in English Adolescence Education requires a minimum of 102 credit hours of courses selected according to the outline given below. In special circumstances, a particular course requirement may be waived and another course substituted--though state requirements limit which courses are eligible for waivers. Students seeking a waiver of a particular course requirement should consult their advisors and complete a Degree Exception Request form; approval for such waivers is granted by the English Department chairperson or designee.

  • All English Adolescence Education majors must complete at least 36 credit hours at Fredonia in order to graduate, of which at least 21 credit hours must be taken within the major.
    All English Adolescence Education majors must complete at least 24 credit hours at or above the 300 level within the major.

  • All majors must complete at least 66 credit hours outside the English (ENGL) major in order to graduate. Credits earned for ENGL 100 (Craft of Writing) do not count toward the major, but do count as credit hours outside the major. Credits transferred as ENGL 099 do not count toward the major, but do count as hours outside the major. ENED and EDU courses count toward the 66 hour requirement.

  • The following Fredonia Foundations courses may count toward the English Adolescence Education major: ENGL 227, ENGL 274, ENGL 296, and WRTG 260.

  • Students may count up to 6 credit hours of internships and independent studies toward the major.

  • As undergraduate students: students must earn at least a C+ in each required English and English Education course and maintain an overall GPA of 3.0. In addition to these courses (which are listed below), Adolescence Education majors must also take the following courses, achieving an average of 2.50: EDU 224, EDU 250, EDU 251, EDU 303, EDU 304, and EDU 349.

  • As graduate students: Students must earn at least a B in each graduate course to receive credit for the course and move forward in the program. 

  • Candidates throughout the multi-award program are expected to demonstrate professional dispositions as part of their program requirements. Students should see the English department website for more information regarding dispositions.

  • English Adolescence Education majors are exempt from the minor requirement.

  • Candidates in all education programs will complete training under the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA).

  1. New York State mandates that Adolescence Education majors demonstrate competence in a language other than English (American Sign Language, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish). The General Education foreign language requirement meets the certification requirement. Proficiency requirement met by the following:

    • Fredonia Placement Exam determination of Fredonia Foundations courses 100 and 110 in the same World Language or course 110 (or higher) in World Language.
    • Proficiency may also be fulfilled by qualifying AP, IB, CLEP Exam scores or transferred courses of Elem I and Elem II of the same language, as verified by the Registrar's Office.

    NOTE: New York State Regents’ revisions of programs in Adolescence Education may result in changes in requirements, and these changes may affect current as well as future English Adolescence Education majors.

    Screening: BA/MA students participate in two screening interviews conducted by members of the English Adolescence Education faculty: one in the spring of the third year, and one in the spring of the fourth year.  A successful third-year screening interview (along with meeting program requirements) allows students to begin taking graduate coursework in the fourth year. A successful fourth-year screening, along with program requirements, allows students to enter the fifth year of the program as English Adolescent Education candidates.  Screening interviews allow students to demonstrate their mastery of key pedagogical, content, and disposition issues related to English Adolescence Education. To be eligible for third-year screening, a student must have:


    1. at least junior-level standing (approximately 75 earned credit hours);
    2. an overall GPA of 3.0;
    3. successful completion (C+ or higher) in at least two of the following courses: ENED 250 Literacy and Technology, ENED 355 Adolescent Literature, ENED 356 Teaching Writing in the Secondary School, and ENED 357 Literacy, Language, Learning Theory.

All fourth-year students in the BA/MA program participate in the fourth-year screening process.

NOTE: New York State Regents’ revisions of programs in Adolescence Education may result in changes in requirements, and these changes may affect current as well as future English Adolescence Education multi-award students. 
See Education for certification information.

See Education for certification information.

English Content Courses:

ENGL 106Introduction to Literary Studies


ENGL 206Survey of American Literature


ENGL 213Texts and Contexts


WRTG 367Advanced Composition


WRTG 372Grammar and Style for Writers



ENGL 373English Grammar for Everyone


ENED 413Teaching Shakespeare



ENGL 412Shakespeare: Romances and Comedies



ENGL 414Shakespeare: Histories and Tragedies


World Literature course


British Literature Course


6 Credit Hours of Literature Electives


6 Credit Hours of ENGL or WRTG Electives


Total Credit Hours:36


  • British Literature and World Literature courses:  for lists of courses in these categories, please see the English BA catalog page
  • At least two electives must be at the 300/400 level
  • The British Literature requirement cannot be fulfilled by taking a second Shakespeare course

English Pedagogy Courses:

Candidates in the English Adolescence Education program count the following courses as part of the 66 credit hours outside their major discipline:

ENED 101Introduction to English Adolescence Education


ENED 201Engaged Teaching in English Adolescence Education


ENED 250Literacy and Technology


ENED 301Reflective Teaching in English Adolescence Education


ENED 355Adolescent Literature


ENED 356Teaching Writing in the Secondary School


ENED 357Literacy/Language/Learning Theory


ENED 452Inquiries in Student Teaching


ENED 465Undergraduate Methods Field Experience-English Education


Total Credit Hours:19

Education Courses:

EDU 224Adolescent Development


EDU 250Introduction to the Exceptional Learner


EDU 251Practicum in Inclusive Education II


EDU 303Safe Schools/Healthy Students-DASA: Safety Education/Fire and Arson/School Violence


EDU 304Safe Schools & Healthy Students


EDU 349Educational Psychology


Total Credit Hours:12


  • A candidate who receives a Satisfactory standing in the Student Teaching placement must also receive a passing grade in their co-requisite Seminar/Methods course to advance.

Graduate Coursework:

ENED 530Topics in Teaching Language


ENED 535Topics in Teaching Diversity


ENED 555Topics in Teaching Writing


ENED 560Seminar in English Education-Theory & Practice


ENED 561Methods in English Education-Theory & Practice


ENED 565Graduate Methods Field Experience-English Education


ENED 697Student Teaching in the Secondary School-English High School


ENED 698Student Teaching in the Secondary School-English Middle School


3 credit hours of 500/600 Level ENGL Literature Elective


6 credit hours of 500/600 Level ENGL/ENED Coursework


Total Credit Hours:37

Total Credit Hours: 103