WRTG 435 Undergraduate Research in Writing

Undergraduate Research is an opportunity to conduct research in the fields of English. Students will join a research team with a specific focus and carry out the research tasks that will lead to submission of presentations or publications.



ENGL 213

WRTG 455 Writing Tutors

An eight-week training program preparing students to tutor writing in the university Learning Center for a minimum of four hours per week. Permission of instructor required.


WRTG 461 Advanced Fiction Workshop

Intensive critical discussion of student fiction. Readings in contemporary fiction. The orientation of the course is professional, and students are expected to complete and share a major manuscript.



WRTG 361 or ENGL 361

WRTG 462 Advanced Poetry Workshop

Intensive critical discussion of student work. Readings in contemporary poetry. The orientation of the course is professional, and the students are expected to submit their work to periodicals for publication. Oral presentation of student work.



WRTG 362 or ENGL 362

WRTG 463 Advanced Creative Nonfiction Workshop

Intensive critical discussion of student creative nonfiction. Readings in contemporary nonfiction. The orientation of the course is professional, and students are expected to submit their work to periodicals for publication. In this class, you will be working independently, writing and submitting essays that demonstrate your abilities and personal aesthetic.



WRTG 363 or ENGL 363

WRTG 465 Writing Internship

Writing internships. Interns work 40 hours for 1 credit hour. Enrollment requires a completed Learning Contract and permission of the department.


WRTG 490 Independent Study

Study of a particular author, topic, or work. Periodic meetings with instructor and writing a substantial paper. Department approval.


WRTG 495 Senior Writing Capstone

The capstone project is the semester-long completion of a revised, publishable manuscript (including web-based or digital), as well as a public performance or presentation (such as participation in the Day of Poetry and Prose, the Student Research and Creativity Expo, or an event dedicated to graduating Writing students). For creative writers, the manuscript might include revising and writing poems, stories, essays, or chapters of a novel/memoir, shaping a cohesive project out of the work done in previous semesters, as well as newly generated work. For professional, technical, or rhetorical writers, the manuscript might include revised prior coursework and new writing finalized for publication or presentation, linked with a clear and coherent rationale (specifying topic, purpose, audience, for instance). Any writer may propose a digital project in the place of a written manuscript (such as a multi-episode podcast series, the script and prototype for a video game, or a multimedia website hosting a researched project [video testimonials, scholarly articles, student-written advocacy]).



WRTG 461 or WRTG 462 or WRTG 463

WRTG 499

Variable-content course; topic announced in the online Course Offerings each semester.
