PSY 200 Statistics for Psychology

Investigation of basic principles of descriptive and inferential statistics used in the social sciences. A sample of the topics covered includes probability, hypothesis testing (e.g., t-tests, analysis of variance, non-parametrics), correlation and regression. Both raw score formulas and computer software are employed for computational purposes.


PSY 227 Careers in Psychology

Discussion of emerging areas in psychology and the application of psychological principles to real-world settings. Focus on relationship between psychology and various other areas, such as law, medicine, business, and mental health.



PSY 129

PSY 237 Sport Psychology

An introduction to the basic concepts, principles, and techniques employed in the field of sport psychology. Major topics include research methods, behavioral principles, personality and assessment, the social psychology of sport, the coach, exercise psychology, youth sport, the female athlete, the minority athlete and ethical issues.



PSY 129

PSY 238 Performance Enhancement

An applied course for students interested in developing key psychological skills with the goal of performance enhancement. Especially recommended and designed for students in performance-related majors; e.g., sports, music, theatre, dance, etc. The course will teach mental skills such as focus/concentration, emotional control, arousal management, visualization, and goal setting. It also addresses special issues such as overcoming obstacles, building self-confidence, dealing with performance anxiety, and performance-related group issues.



PSY 129

PSY 246 Personality

Biological and social determinants of personality and its development. Methods of studying personality.



PSY 129

PSY 247 Health Psychology

Explores the role of psychological factors in the prevention of illness and maintenance of good health, the treatment of already existing illness, and the recovery from or adjustment to ongoing illness.



PSY 129

PSY 255 Psychology of Women

An examination of the biological, psychological and sociological factors that shape women's lives. Attention to the intersection of gender with ethnicity, sexual orientation, and social class. Specific topics include theories of gender development, images of women in the media, work, childbirth and motherhood, violence, and physical and mental health.



PSY 129 or WGST 201 or ETHN 202 or WGST 202

PSY 273 States of Consciousness

Scientific overview of ordinary consciousness and other states of consciousness including sleep and dreams, meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, drug-induced states, and parapsychology. The potentials, limitations, and dangers of the various states of consciousness are considered.


PSY 276 Human Sexuality

Introduction to theoretical explanations of empirical evidence regarding human sexual behavior. Consideration of reproductive anatomy and physiology; sexually transmitted diseases; sexual attitudes and behaviors throughout the life cycle; contraception; social issues related to sexuality; sexual dysfunctions; and communication in intimate relationships.



PSY 129

PSY 280 Special Topics

Special topics in psychology not covered in detail by regular courses and not offered on a regular basis.


PSY 289 Lifespan Human Development

Survey of human life cycle, covering physical, mental, personality, and social development taking place during different periods (infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood). Attention to developmental issues and particular processes operating within and between specific periods (e.g., marriage, parenthood, career, death, and bereavement).



PSY 129

PSY 291 Psychology of Religion

Introduction to the major issues, theories, and research in the psychology of religion through critical analysis of classical and modern literature from Western and Eastern cultures. Topics discussed will help illuminate the role of religion as a powerful meaning system that can affect the lives of individuals in terms of their beliefs, motivations, emotions and behaviors.



PSY 129