POLI 401 Washington (D.C.) Seminar

Prior selection required.


POLI 402 Washington (D.C.) Internship

Prior selection required.


POLI 403 Independent Study (Washington, D.C.)

Prior selection required.


POLI 405 Independent Study (Albany, N.Y.)

Prior selection required.


POLI 407 Albany (N.Y.) Internship

Prior selection required.


POLI 419 Directed Study: Public Administration

Directed Studies courses are taken for individual work not available in regular courses, according to the field to be studied. Topics determined through prior consultation with instructor.



POLI 120 and POLI 311

POLI 429 Directed Study: American Politics

Directed Studies courses are taken for individual work not available in regular courses, according to the field to be studied. Topics determined through prior consultation with instructor.



POLI 311 or POLI 313 or POLI 321 or POLI 322 or POLI 323 or POLI 324

POLI 439 Directed Study: Comparative Politics

Directed Studies courses are taken for individual work not available in regular courses, according to the field to be studied. Topics determined through prior consultation with instructor.



POLI 120 and POLI 150 and (POLI 330 or POLI 331 or POLI 332 or POLI 334 or POLI 341 or POLI 344 or POLI 346 or POLI 352 or POLI 354 or POLI 355 or POLI 356)

POLI 440 Senior Seminar Preparation

Thes course will prepare students for their senior seminar thesis, which will be written as part of POLI 450. The class will meet every other week. Each student will choose a research questions, have it approved, choose a faculty member to supervise the thesis, and begin to review the literature relevant to the chosen topic.


POLI 449 Directed Study: Political Economy

Directed Studies courses are taken for individual work not available in regular courses, according to the field to be studied. Topics determined through prior consultation with instructor.



POLI 120 and POLI 150 and (POLI 334 or POLI 341 or POLI 344 or POLI 346 or POLI 354)

POLI 450 Capstone Seminar

A capstone seminar requiring Political Science majors to integrate the theoretical, empirical and methodological skills developed by previous course work in the major. Students will complete a research project and present it to the class. The seminar will emphasize the student's research and presentation skills. The course is required of all Political Science majors.


POLI 459 Directed Study: International Politics

Directed Studies courses are taken for individual work not available in regular courses, according to the field to be studied. Topics determined through prior consultation with instructor.



POLI 120 and POLI 150 and (POLI 341 or POLI 346 or POLI 354 or POLI 355 or POLI 356)

POLI 469 Directed Study: Political Theory

Directed Studies courses are taken for individual work not available in regular courses, according to the field to be studied. Topics determined through prior consultation with instructor.



POLI 120 and POLI 150 and (POLI 360 or POLI 361 or POLI 363 or POLI 365)

POLI 479 Directed Study: Law

Directed Studies courses are taken for individual work not available in regular courses, according to the field to be studied. Topics determined through prior consultation with instructor.



POLI 120 and (POLI 276 or POLI 277 or POLI 370 or POLI 371 or POLI 383)

POLI 489 Directed Study: Public Policy

Directed Studies courses are taken for individual work not available in regular courses, according to the field to be studied. Topics determined through prior consultation with instructor.



POLI 380 or POLI 381 or POLI 382 or POLI 383 or POLI 387

POLI 490 Internship in Local Politics and Government

Assignment to office of county, city, or village administrative official, public service agency, legislator, political party, judge, or attorney. Provides opportunities for testing theories and concepts developed in classroom. Involves full-time work during part of semester.


POLI 491 Seminar in Local Politics and Government

Discussion and reporting on selected readings and experiences encountered in internships at local government level, including assessment of roles and/or power position of particular agencies, offices, or departments to which interns are assigned. Also involves writing a research paper.



POLI 490

POLI 492 Legal Intern

Assignment to law-related office. Provides opportunities for testing theories and concepts developed in classroom. Involves full-time work during part of semester.


POLI 494 Legal Internship Seminar

Discussion and reporting on selected readings and experiences encountered in legal internships. Also involves writing a research paper.



POLI 492

POLI 495 Political Science Honors Thesis I

A zero credit course to be taken in the fall of a student's senior year. The purpose of the course is to start a student on a major research paper. It is expected that the student will define their research question, and begin their bibliographic research and/or data collection during the fall semester. Only students admitted by the department to the honors sequence are eligible.


POLI 496 Political Science Honors Thesis II

To be taken in the spring semester of a student's senior year. The course will allow the student the time to complete the writing of their research paper. The requirement for the course will be an oral presentation of the student's research presented at a joint student-faculty reception, and a major research paper. The length of the research paper will be at least 45 pages for an analytical or case study, and at least 25 pages for a quantitative research paper. Only students admitted by the department to the honors sequence are eligible.



POLI 495

POLI 499 Directed Study: Political Science

Directed Studies courses are taken for individual work not available in regular courses, according to the field to be studied. Topics determined through prior consultation with instructor.



POLI 150 and POLI 200 and POLI 210