HONR 300 Honors Colloquium

A discussion course for students in the Honors Program. Subjects of discussion range from current events to campus activities to metaphysical speculations.


HONR 301 Honors-Arts

Content will vary from year to year depending on the instructor


HONR 302 Honors-The Human Experience

Content will vary from year to year depending on the instructor.


HONR 303 Honors - Social Science

Content will vary from year to year depending on the instructor.


HONR 304 Honors - Science and Society

Content will vary from year to year depending on the instructor.


HONR 305 Honors - The Human Past

Content will vary from year to year depending on the instructor.


HONR 306 Honors - Interdisciplinary Thinking

Content will vary from year to year depending on the instructor.


HONR 390 Honors Advanced Learning Project

In this mentored research experience, Honors students will, individually or in small groups, learn how to research complex problems or opportunities; draft recommendations while working within the constraints of staffing, budgets, and timelines; and learn to craft persuasive materials, presenting their findings to an appropriate campus body (e.g., Honors Program Advisory Board).
