EDU 200 Statistics

Elements of probability theory; fundamental concepts and techniques of statistics with application. May not be repeated for credit. Note: Credit for at most one of the following courses may be applied towards a student's requirements for graduation: BUAD 200, ECON 200, EDU 200, POLI 200, SOC 200, and STAT 200.


EDU 214 Introduction to Children's Literature

Designed to assist students in becoming widely acquainted with the great wealth of trade (library) books and media available for today's children, preschool through middle school. Course content includes all literary types.


EDU 215 Education in American Society

Foundations course in the study of education. Introduction to social, historical, and philosophical foundations of education and the relationship between school and society.


EDU 218 Children's Literature in Literacy Instruction

This course is an introduction to Children's Literature in Reading and includes a study of genre as well as discussion of literacy acquisition, reading instruction and use of children's literature for evaluation and remediation of reading difficulties.


EDU 220 Child Development

Development of the child from beginning of life: prenatal development through age 12. Study of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and moral development of the child. Credit will not be given for both EDU 220 and EDU 225.


EDU 221 Introduction to Early Childhood Education

The course examines early childhood care and education with particular emphasis on center-based settings for children Birth-5 years. Topics include theories of child development that inform best practices, characteristics of quality care and education ("educare"), developmentally appropriate curriculum (with an emphasis on how children learn through play in well-prepared environments), appropriate assessment for young children (with an emphasis on observation), and strategies to build strong family partnerships.



(EDU 105 and EDU 106) and (EDU 220 or EDU 225)


EDU 222

EDU 222 Practicum in Early Childhood

The field experience explores early childhood care and education with particular emphasis on center-based settings for children Birth-5 years. Early Childhood and Early Childhood/Childhood majors will gain experience interacting with and guiding the youngest children in early learning settings. The primary purpose of the early field experience is to provide teacher candidates with a carefully mentored experience to help develop and enhance the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to positively impact student learning and development. This experience is for two hours, twice a week, for eight weeks. The placements are in high quality educare settings.



EDU 221

EDU 224 Adolescent Development

Physical, mental, and emotional influences on adolescent development in terms of habits, interests and social adjustment. Factors in home and school that influence adolescent behavior and personality, and procedures for evaluating relevant research.


EDU 225 Child Development EC/CH

In this course, students explore the natural sequence of growth and development from birth through pre-adolescence, with emphasis on the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions. Students also investigate why and how we study children: research issues and themes, research designs and methodologies, and research evaluation and ethics in the social sciences.


EDU 226 The Earth As A System

In today's world, with increasing global population, shifting climate and a growing demand for raw materials and energy, a basic understanding of the earth as a system is more important than ever. Earth as a System aims to illustrate the interconnectedness and complexities of the planet's principal subsystems of hydrologic, atmospheric, biologic and geologic processes and their impact on shaping the planet and the lives of humans.


EDU 227 The Electronic Classroom

An introduction to computer managed instruction, computer based instruction, and the design and use of multimedia resources in the classroom.


EDU 250 Introduction to the Exceptional Learner

Introductory survey of nature, needs, and education of children who are exceptional because of intelligence, behavioral disorders, and/or physical development.



(EDU 105 and EDU 106) or (MAED 105 and MAED 106) or (SCED 105 and SCED 106) or ENED 101 or ENGL 101


EDU 251

EDU 251 Practicum in Inclusive Education II

Candidates work directly with pupils with learning difficulties in area schools and agencies.



EDU 250

EDU 275 Introduction to the Teaching of Reading in the Elementary School

Introduction to techniques, activities, and materials employed in teaching elementary school candidates how to read. Focuses on traditional texts and reading materials, as well as hands-on experience in applying microcomputers in the teaching of reading. The use of writing as a technique in the teaching of reading will also be employed. Specifically designed to prepare students for participation in elementary school classrooms.


EDU 276 Literacy and Technology in Inclusive Educational Settings

Overview of the processes involved in literacy acquisition and the instructional approaches that acknowledge current thinking. Relationship of reading and writing, and aspects of writing development and writing process appropriate to each stage of reading development. Topics: models of reading and writing conceptual and methodological issues related to instruction and acquisition of reading, the role and use of technology in literacy instruction, assessment of candidates' reading and writing, diversity in reading acquisition - the role of technology in facilitating reading and writing for diverse learners.


EDU 295 Introduction to Educational Assessment

This Assessment Course is intended to introduce teacher candidates to concepts and vocabulary of assessment, as well as the assessment process from choice of assessment through to interpreting and reporting of results. The course is part of the undergraduate education sequence. It should be taken early in the education program, preferably the first semester of the sophomore year either prior to or at same time as EDU 250 or EDU 221. Later courses in the sequence contain more discipline-specific components of assessment: EDU 355 examines assessment for inclusive education, EDU 405 and 406 for literacy, and EDU 221 for early childhood.



EDU 105 and EDU 106