DANC - Dance

DANC 100 Introduction to Dance

DANC 100 - Introduction to Dance is an entry-level course which will provide the student with an understanding of the multi-faceted aspects of dance as a global performing art. Students will acquire basic knowledge and skills in at least three distinctly diverse styles of concert dance and will, through creative thinking and innovation, approach numerous dance related topics from the perspective of a practitioner as well as a critical observer of dance. No previous experience with dance is required to succeed in this course.


DANC 104 Dance Majors Seminar

A comprehensive informational course for first-year Dance majors. Includes an introduction to Department policies and procedures, program expectations, campus resources, academic advising & registration, time and stress management, and preparation for success in the professional world


DANC 160 Somatics

An introductory-level course that explores various movement techniques that are complementary to training in dance, such as yoga, Pilates, Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Technique, Klein Technique, etc. Course content will vary by instructor.


DANC 101 Theatre and Dance Productions

Designed to give practical experience in all aspects of dance and theatre productions including rehearsals, lighting and costume design, crew work, and stage management. Offered in coordination with THEA 101 and 102.


DANC 102 Theatre and Dance Productions

Designed to give practical experience in all aspects of dance and theatre productions including rehearsals, lighting and costume design, crew work, and stage management. Offered in coordination with THEA 101 and 102.


DANC 105 Folk Dance

Designed to cover the basics of folk dancing in many countries of the world.


DANC 106 Square Dance

An introductory course for the beginning square dancer. Emphasis is on modern square dancing, although other forms are covered.


DANC 110 Dance Productions

Designed to give practical experience in all aspects of dance and theatre productions including rehearsals, lighting and costume designs, crew work, and stage managing. Offered in coordination with Theatre Practice. May be repeated for credit.


DANC 111 Contemporary Technique I

An introduction to the fundamental principles and movement modalities of contemporary dance. Course content will vary by instructor.


DANC 112 Ballet I

An introduction to classical ballet technique. The course covers the basics of barre and center floor work, as well as terminology and history. Emphasis is on correct alignment, coordination, and the quality of movement. May be repeated once for credit.


DANC 113 Jazz Dance I

The course covers the basic principles, technique, and history of jazz dance including traditional techniques, Fosse style, and a focus on jazz dance for Musical Theatre. May be repeated once for credit.


DANC 114 Tap Dance I

An introductory course in tap dance. Emphasis on correct execution of single movements and combinations of steps, with proper timing and terminology. May be repeated once for credit.


DANC 111 Modern Technique I

Introductory course in modern dance for the novice, covering various techniques. Attendance at all dance concerts on campus required.


DANC 113 Jazz Dance I

The course covers the basic principles, technique, and history of jazz dance including traditional techniques, Fosse style, and a focus on jazz dance for Musical Theatre. May be repeated once for credit.


DANC 112 Ballet I

An introduction to classical ballet technique. The course covers the basics of barre and center floor work, as well as terminology and history. Emphasis is on correct alignment, coordination, and the quality of movement. May be repeated once for credit.


DANC 211 Contemporary Technique II

Continued exploration of a wide range of contemporary dance aesthetics and movement principles. Course content will vary by instructor.



DANC 111

DANC 212 Ballet II

Continuation of the classical ballet technique at the intermediate level, with attention to the execution and mastery of the classical movement repertoire. The course focuses on adagio, allegro, and center floor work, as well as on the performance aspect of this discipline. May be repeated twice for credit.



DANC 112

DANC 213 Jazz Dance II

The course explores styles in jazz technique (e.g., Luigi, Giordana, Fosse) at the intermediate level. Emphasis will be on proper technique and performance, as well as vocabulary, and history. May be repeated twice for credit.



DANC 113

DANC 214 Tap Dance II

The course explores styles of tap dance technique at the intermediate level. Emphasis will be on proper technique and performance, as well as vocabulary, and history. May be repeated twice for credit.



DANC 114

DANC 231 African-Caribbean Dance

An introductory course in the structure and design of African and Caribbean dance techniques. This course will illustrate the linkage between African and Afro-American dance, music, and rhythmic styles. May be repeated twice for credit.


DANC 241 Dance Improvisation

The course involves creative movement problem-solving through the study of basic elements in dance and choreography. Attendance at some campus productions is required. May be repeated twice for credit.



DANC 111

DANC 250 Fall Chamber Concert

Designed to develop proficiency in dance performance through the rehearsal and performance of the choreographic works presented in the Fall Chamber Concert. Registration is by permission of instructor following an audition. Students must also be registered in a Dance Technique class (Ballet, Modern Jazz, or Tap).


DANC 251 Fredonia Dance Ensemble

Designed to develop proficiency in dance performance through the rehearsal and performance of the choreographic works presented in the Fredonia Dance Ensemble Concert. Registration is by permission of instructor following an audition. Students must also be registered in a Dance Technique class (Ballet, Modern Jazz, or Tap).


DANC 260 Dance Kinesiology

A study of the sensory, skeletal, and muscular structures of the dancer's body, and their use in the development of dance technique. Particular attention is given to the student's understanding of their own structural attributes, and prevention of injury. Alternative training methods will also be explored.



DANC 111 or DANC 112 or DANC 113 or DANC 114

DANC 264 Choreography I

An introduction to the content and structure of solo dance composition as an art form. Improvisation and compositional devices including rhythm, dynamics, space, design, phrasing, and production are covered.



DANC 211 or DANC 241

DANC 282 Independent Studies in Dance

Intensive individual study of some particular aspect of dance involving preparation of a paper or project in support of the findings. Request for enrollment must be made in the form of a written proposal prior to the end of the second week of the semester. May be repeated for credit. Permission of department required.


DANC 300 Company Class

A weekly class taught by visiting dance artists representing a wide range of disciplines within the field. The master class format will require dancers to develop the advanced visual, aural, physical, spatial, musical, and contextual assimilation and retention skills necessary for success as a contemporary dance artist.


DANC 311 Contemporary Technique III

An investigation of advanced contemporary dance principles, practices, and techniques. Course content will vary by instructor.



DANC 211

DANC 312 Ballet III

Continuation of classical ballet technique at the intermediate/advanced level, with attention to the execution and mastery of the classical movement repertoire. The course intensifies the work covered in DANC 212 with the addition of variations and beginning pointe shoe work. May be repeated twice for credit.



DANC 212

DANC 313 Jazz Dance III

Thes course explores styles in jazz technique at an intermediate/advanced level. It is a continuation of DANC 213 and covers technique, vocabulary, and history, with emphasis on mastery of execution and artistic expression. May be repeated twice for credit.



DANC 213

DANC 321 Dance for the Musical Theatre

Designed to familiarize the intermediate dancer with the techniques of musical theatre dance for the stage. Jazz, ballroom, and tap techniques are also covered. Classic musical theatre choreography is explored.



(DANC 114 or DANC 121) and DANC 211

DANC 341 Selected Topics in Dance

Directed or Independent Study in dance-related topics. By advisement only. May be repeated for credit.


DANC 353 Contemporary Dance History

A survey of the evolution of global modern, post-modern, and contemporary dance from the late 19th century to the present. Particular focus will be paid to how dance has both influenced and been influenced by the social, political, and economic climates of the times and places in which it was created. Students will be challenged to develop their critical thinking, writing, and research skills, to clearly define their personal aesthetics, and to hone their ability to watch dance with a scholar"™s eye.


DANC 360 Dancer Wellness

This lecture course will cover the foundations of dancer wellness, including mental, physical wellness, and assessment methods for overall dancer health. All coursework is designed to improve a dance student"™s mental and physical wellness, and ability to assess and implement holistic living through participation and academic study. Written assignments, quizzes, exams, online discussions, and daily participation (movement and verbal) are required. Course methods include blended learning platforms.


DANC 364 Choreography II

An introduction to the content and structure of group dance composition as an art form. Improvisation and compositional devices including rhythm, dynamics, space, design, phrasing, and production elements are covered.



DANC 264

DANC 370 Dance Studio Management

The course provides students with a road map for the annual cycle of a dance studio and other various aspects of this community-oriented enterprise. The focus will be on the administrative portion of the operation as opposed to the artistic side. Etiquette, communication skills, procedures, and financial aspects of the dance studio business will be discussed in detail. In addition, other useful applications such as drafting a business plan, developing policies, completing tax forms and other hands-on exercises will be put into practice. At the end of the course the student will have a clear understanding of the timeline and the dynamics of a dance studio business. This course is not recommended for first-year students.


DANC 375 Dance Pedagogy

A course in Dance Pedagogy provides students with the methods and skills for teaching dance by studying diverse teaching and learning techniques in theory and practice. Students will explore evidence based methods in effective teaching and will learn how to be a competent teacher through observation, role play and practice. Aside from building lesson plans and curricula, monitoring dance technique classes, providing teaching samples and framing a personal teaching philosophy, students are required to study writings from a variety of sources dealing with day-to-day societal challenges in dance education such as culture, diversity, acceptance, collaboration, etc. in preparation for class discussions and writing assignments.


DANC 387 Screendance I

This course will explore the unique challenges of capturing and creating dance for camera. Through class screenings of film and video work, class exercises, reading and discussion, students will learn about various historical and contemporary issues and approaches in combining dance and the moving image. Students will work alone and in small collaborative groups to create their own works integrating dance and video. At the end of the course, students should be able to articulate meaning in dance on film or video, discuss, analyze, and critique both student projects and professional dance screen works. Through creative projects, students will develop their own visual style and an increased proficiency with digital video cameras and editing. The Department of Theatre and Dance and the Department of Communication will not support technical requests for any of the video projects in the form of studio/performance space, props, costumes, scenery or lighting, or equipment



COMM 155 and (DANC 111 or DANC 113 or DANC 241)

DANC 388 Screendance II

This course will build upon the editing and camera skills, and creative research acquired in 387 Screendance I, (prerequisite), this course challenges the student to propose three projects ranging from work for the screen, work for gallery or installation, and work from integration into live performance. In collaboration with a faculty advisor and chosen venue, the student will then select one proposed project for completion and final production. Student(s) will be strongly encouraged to submit work(s) to festivals and/or present finished work(s) to audiences in innovative formats. The Department of Theatre and Dance and the Department of Communication will not support technical requests for any of the video projects in the form of studio/performance space, props, costumes, scenery or lighting, or equipment



(COMM 387 or THEA 387) and COMM 155 and COMM 254

DANC 453 Forces and Figures in American Jazz Dance

This lecture course will examine and discuss the culturally diverse social, vernacular and popular dances jazz dance draws upon through readings, video viewings, in-class and online discussions. Classes will pay particular attention to the influences of African American contributions to social, studio, commercial and musical theater traditions of American Jazz Dance, and their impacts on the evolution of jazz dance in society. Student will develop advanced critical thinking and writing and research skills in this course.


DANC 460 Senior Project

A capstone course for graduating dance majors. Students will propose to the faculty a senior project that will take place over a two-semester time period. Possible senior projects include performance or choreographic projects, research projects, dance videography projects, or other topics upon advisement. Students will take this course twice in subsequent semesters.


DANC 464 Choreography III

In this course, students continue their exploration of various elements of the craft of choreography: space, time, force and motivation. These are concepts that can be applied to any genre of dance when choreographing. Movement invention will be approached through improvisation, movement studies, readings, performance viewings, video viewings and written assignments. An emphasis will be placed upon discovering your own unique expressive movement vocabulary and deepening your powers of observation of self, others and the world around you. Dancers will learn how to investigate movement and to probe and manipulate movement materials. Concepts will be explored as soloists and group works. In preparing for a final composition showing, dancers will investigate issues that are important and use their findings to create a final work, a solo either set on themselves or someone else, or a group work. Choreographers can not be in their own group work. As a class we will decide what work will be shown or create a work together for the TADA Informal Class Showing that happens at the end of each semester.. Dancers will leave this class with different methods of how to generate movement for themselves, and how to describe their movement using language to others. Above all, a spirit of inquiry will be cultivated in this final level of choreography course.



DANC 264 and DANC 364

DANC 482 Independent Studies in Dance

Intensive individual study of some particular aspects of dance involving preparation of a paper or project in support of the findings. Request for enrollment must be made in the form of a written proposal prior to the end of the second week of the semester. May be repeated for credit. Permission of department required.


DANC 485 Senior Project Seminar

This course will prepare senior dance majors for the production of their capstone concert in the Spring of their senior year. The course will focus on the development of creative work, as well as the administrative activities essential to concert production.


DANC 461 Practicum in Dance

Teaching of a beginning technique class for returning professionals or graduate students. By audition only.


DANC 462 Practicum in Dance

Teaching of a beginning technique class for returning professionals or graduate students. By audition only.


DANC 460 Senior Project

A capstone course for graduating dance majors. Students will propose to the faculty a senior project that will take place over a two-semester time period. Possible senior projects include performance or choreographic projects, research projects, dance videography projects, or other topics upon advisement. Students will take this course twice in subsequent semesters.


DANC 490 Senior Project

This course encompasses the second semester of the capstone experience for BFA Dance majors. After a prerequisite semester of research and creative process, majors will produce their Senior Project concert in the Merrins Studio Theatre. Students will also be required to author a post-mortem reflection on their creative process as well as a self-assessment of their development as a creative artist through the capstone experience.


DANC 561 Practicum in Dance

Internship in dance teaching for graduate dance students. By audition only. May be repeated.


DANC 562 Practicum in Dance II

Internship in dance teaching for graduate dance students. By audition only. May be repeated.