SCI - Science

SCI 301 Essential Science I

In-depth focus on key concepts in the areas of chemistry and physics. Application of these concepts to real world situations are emphasized.


SCI 302 Essential Science Lab

Designed for hands-on exploration of everyday phenomena, the laboratory engages students in experiments from biology, chemistry, geology and physics. Most of the experiments are interdisciplinary in nature. The students will plan and execute experiments and then evaluate their data and document their conclusions. Evaluation will be based on laboratory notebook, written lab reports and oral presentation of experimental results


SCI 303 Essential Science II

In-depth focus on key concepts in the areas of biology and geology. Applications of these concepts to real world situations are emphasized.


SCI 325 Science Teaching Assistantship

The course is designed to provide science education majors with science teaching experience guided by science faculty. Students will assist in curriculum development, preparation and instruction for interactive and laboratory experiments in the areas of biology, chemistry, earth science and physics. The students will be learning assistants for SCI 301, 302, and/or 303 and outreach to local schools.



SCI 301 and SCI 302 and SCI 303

SCI 491 Special Topics in InterdisciplinaryScience

Courses which are interdisciplinary in science. Titles and topics will vary each semester based on instructor and student interest.


SCI 591 Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Science

Courses which are interdisciplinary in science. Titles and topics will vary each semester based on instructor and student interest.