ANTH - Anthropology

ANTH 115 Introductory Anthropology

An introduction to the basic concepts and findings of anthropology's four major subdivisions: physical anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, and cultural anthropology. Traces human biological and cultural evolution. Discusses and analyzes various cultural systems.


ANTH 210 Physical Anthropology

Anthropological view of human origins, the primate fossil record, biological aspects of humanity, non-human primates, human biological diversity, and the interplay between culture and biology.



ANTH 115

ANTH 211 Archaeology

Survey of archaeology, including major theories and methods. Emphasis upon interpretation of major findings, both prehistoric and historic.



ANTH 115

ANTH 219 Cultures of the World

This course employs the methods and concepts of Anthropology to understand humanity through the study of cultural practices such as religion, social organization, economies, politics, and the arts. Includes describing and comparing cultural groups to appreciate both the diversity and interconnections of humans. The course broadly examines cultural change and survival in the contemporary world.



ANTH 115 or SOC 116

ANTH 300 Sex and Gender

Description and analysis of sex and gender roles and relationships from a variety of societies at different levels of socio-cultural complexity. Note: Also listed as SOC 306 and WOST 302.



ANTH 115 or SOC 116

ANTH 301 Plagues And Peoples

Explores the impact of disease on human populations in terms of demographic, cultural and social changes. The rise of health care delivery systems as a response to epidemics. Examples include the bubonic plague of the 14th and 17th centuries, cholera, influenza, polio and AIDS. Note: Also listed as SOC 312.



ANTH 115 or ANTH 219 or SOC 116

ANTH 311 Anthropology of the Supernatural

Survey of various belief systems. Topics include: cults, sacred beings, rituals, shamanism, witchcraft, and magic.



ANTH 115 or ANTH 219 or SOC 116

ANTH 321 Anthropology of Indian America

Survey of past and present Amerindian peoples and cultures of North America. Both aboriginal cultures and responses to European presence are emphasized for each region.



ANTH 115 or ANTH 219 or SOC 116

ANTH 322 Anthropology of Africa

Survey course dealing with evolution of culture in Africa. Examination of range of variation of traditional African cultures and factors currently modifying them.



ANTH 115 or ANTH 219 or SOC 116

ANTH 324 Caribbean Societies and Cultures

Survey of the prehistory, history, and present day nature of the various cultures of the Caribbean region. Special emphasis placed upon: economic life, family patterns, political movements, and expressive culture.



ANTH 115 or SOC 116

ANTH 331 American Utopian Communities

An examination of the background conditions producing utopias and an ethnographic/historical analysis of selected utopian ventures (e.g. Amish, Shakers, Counterculture Communes).



ANTH 115 or SOC 116

ANTH 342 Food and Culture

This course offers a critical look at the role of foodways in human prehistory, history, and contemporary life. Food is examined as an integral part of culture in terms of creating social bonds, identity, economies, and political systems. These issues are explored through diverse topics such as gender, food taboos, ethnicity, industrialization, human health, and the environment. The course includes discussion of attempts to address problems related to food by looking at policy, technologies, and movements towards sustainable food systems.



ANTH 115 or ANTH 219 or SOC 116

ANTH 350 Special Topics

Special topics in anthropology not covered in detail by regular courses. Topic announced in online Course Offerings.


ANTH 470 Independent Study

In-depth exploration of an anthropological topic under the direction of a anthropology department faculty member who is willing to sponsor the student. Students should have specific topics in mind before approaching an instructor. They are expected to complete a research project and present their findings to the professor on the agreed upon topic. Once an Independent Study has been arranged and prior to the semester beginning, the student must complete the Independent Study Contract with the sponsoring faculty member.


ANTH 473 Museum Internship

Supervised placement in a museum. Allows a limited number of advanced anthropology students to work with museum staff members on research, curation, and education projects. Permission of department.


ANTH 3SA 300 Level Study Abroad Elective

A course taken during a study abroad experience that does not have a direct equivalency to a Fredonia course.
