EDUL - Educational Leadership

EDUL 614 Introduction to Educational Leadership

The Course provides an introduction to educational leadership: various theories and models of educational and school leadership and management; the strucure of education at the local, state, and national levels; and the New Your State Codes and Standards governing schools and school building leaders. This course also covers the foundational skills for leadership, the role and evaluation of the school principal; organizatinal structure of schools; collaborative and reflective leadership; and all wrapped in the ethical blanket of mission, vision and core values.


EDUL 615 Operation & Management Systems

This course focuses on the operation and management admisinstrative systems that promote the mission and vision of the school and support each student's learning needs. These systems include resource management of fiscal, physical and staff resources, time management, data management, support services, and budegeting. Candidates also consider how school building leaders can employ technology and software to impore the quality and efficiency of these systems and be responsible, ethical, and accountable stewards of them.


EDUL 616 School Law

The course examines the law and the principles of law as they apply to organization and administrtion of education at the local, state and national levels. Special attention will be paid to the laws, rules, regulations and court decisions that influence district employees, policy, administrative operations, and students; these include the Individuals with Disabilities Act, student freedoms, search adn seizure, teacher freedoms, and school liability.


EDUL 617 Personnel Leadership

This course examines human resources management and the development of the professional capacity and practive of school personnel. Topics addressed include the professional capacity of school personnel, Professional Learning Communities (PLC), supervision and evaluation, Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) and observation instruments, plus recruitment, hiring, and retention.


EDUL 618 Instructional Leadership

This course examines coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment that are responsive to student needs, embody high expectations for student learning, align with academic standards within and across grade levels, and promote academic success and social emotional well-being for each student. Topics also include the capability to employ technically appropriate systems of assessment and data collection, management, analysis for use to monitor student progress and improve instruction.



EDUL 614*

EDUL 619 Problem Solving & School Improvement

This course explores the leadership competencies of problem solving and decision making as means for effective educational leaders to act as agents of continuous school improvement to promote each student's academic success and well-being and to achieve the vision, fulfill the mission, to promote the core values of the school, and to facilitate school improvement. This course also examines the application of these competencies to effective communication, engagement, partnership, advocacy, and improvement.


EDUL 620 Culturally Responsive Leadership

This course explores how effective educational leaders engage families and the community in meaningful, reciprocal, and mutually beneficial ways to promote each student's academic success and well-being. The course assists candidates to learn to act with equity, cultural competence and responsiveness in their interactions, decision making, and practice to promote student learning and school improvement.


EDUL 630 School District Leadership

This course focuses exclusively on educational leadership at the district level and deals with issues that are unique to that level and type of leadership.



EDUL 614 and EDUL 615 and EDUL 617

EDUL 640 Internship I: School Level

A field-based experiential course, this internship is based at the school building level. Based on professional standards for the field of educational leadership and under the guidance of a building-level administrator and college supervisor, candidates design and lead projects giving them experiences at the school building level of leadership, management, and administration. Candidates participate in online discussions of their learning outcomes.


EDUL 641 Internship II: School District Level

This is a field-based experiential course at the school district office level. Based on professional standards for the field of educational leadership and under the guidance of a district-level administrator and college supervisor, candidates formulate, participate in, and lead projects giving them experiences at the school district level of leadership, management, and administration. Candidates, in collaboration with their site supervisors, submit projects to the college supervisor for review, revision as needed, and approval. Candidates participate in online discussions of their learning outcomes.


EDUL 695 Capstone Continuation

Graduate students are required to remain continuously enrolled until completion of thesis/capstone work in order to allow continuing usage of university resources and to accurately account for faculty involvement.