ENGL 500 Introduction to Graduate Studies in English

ENGL 500 introduces new graduate students to contemporary issues, designs and methods in the field of English studies. Emphasis will be on scholarly methods and aims of research in literature, rhetoric, and pedagogy, showing points of intersection and connection across various aspects of the discipline. By the end of the course, students will develop tentative plans for pursuing their own research interests, providing them with a strong foundation for their individual program of advanced study.


ENGL 502 Directed Study

Short-term independent study of particular texts, methodologies, pedagogies or theories, conducted by graduate students under the direction of a graduate faculty member in English. Students must take one directed study as part of their degree requirements; a second may be taken as part of elective credit, with a different faculty member.



ENGL 500

ENGL 510 Major Writers

Study in-depth of one writer or up to three writers related on the basis of a unifying principle.


ENGL 512 Historical Perspectives in Literature

Study of the development of important movements or concepts in literature.


ENGL 514 Comparative Approaches to Literature

Study of literary works from different time periods, nations, or cultures.


ENGL 516 Criticism and Theory I

Part one of the historical study of critical and theoretical approaches to literature and the teaching of literature, with concentration on authors pre 1900.


ENGL 518 Criticism and Theory II

Part two of the historical study of critical and theoretical approaches to literature and the teaching of literature, with concentration on authors post 1900.


ENGL 520 Graduate Seminar in Literature and Culture

A variable-content course, interdisciplinary in nature, featuring a contemporary topic central to the discipline.


ENGL 521 Ethics of Writing

This course will expose students to contemporary issues of ethics as they are encountered in the writing process. Such topics may include, but are not limited to, copyright and plagiarism issues; the question of how to write about others; maintaining integrity in marketing rhetoric; the ethical implications of new media for writers; and the status of truth within contemporary creative non-fiction.


ENGL 522 Writing for Digital Media

Writing for Digital Media will help prepare students to become informed and skilled citizens of an increasingly digital world. Students registered in this course will compose for digital spaces; relate these writing experiences to relevant theoretical frameworks; and reflect critically on the effects of digital communication.


ENGL 523 Grant Writing

This course offers an overview of the grant writing process. In it, we will explore how to write a persuasive grant proposal and how to identify grant-making organizations best aligned with your project or need. We will also discuss the grant cycle so you can better appreciate not only how grants are reviewed, ranked, and awarded but also what is expected of you after a grant is secured.


ENGL 524 Art of Grammar

Art of Grammar will help students learn the principles underlying internalized rules of English and the range of choices available to speakers and writers. The course will engage with debates around whether language is primarily cognitive or social in nature as well as language in use and on some fundamental principles of all languages--namely, variation and change.


ENGL 525 Foundations of Editing

This skills-based course intended for multiple audiences provides a practical introduction to editorial practices. Students develop competence in basic procedures of copyediting; develop creativity through solving problems effectively; and come to expand their sense of the field of English and their possible roles within it.


ENGL 580 Studies in Literature

Study in literature or language in conjunction with a cross-listed undergraduate 400 level course. Graduate students are required to do graduate-level work beyond the course requirements for undergraduate students.


ENGL 590 Special Topics

A variable-content course on topics announced in the online Course Offerings each semester.


ENGL 591 E-portfolio

This is a portfolio completion credit for the Certificate of Advanced Study in Professional Writing.