CAST 501 Perspectives on Child Maltreatment & Advocacy

Survey of major issues related to child abuse and neglect. An overview of the impact of child maltreatment, prevention and intervention strategies, system response, and child advocacy are included.


CAST 502 Global Child Advocacy

This is a multidisciplinary course designed prepare students to recognize health, maltreatment, cultural, religious, political, and social advocacy issues outside of the United States and how these issues affect the welfare and quality of life of children and families.


CAST 503 Professional & System Responses to Maltreatment

This course focuses on the responses of professionals to allegations of child maltreatment. The purpose of the course is to expand the student"™s knowledge and skills in identifying, investigating and prosecuting child maltreatment. The course is designed for students who are likely to pursue a profession in which they will be a mandated reporter and knowledge of child maltreatment, trauma-informed practices, and advocacy is critical.


CAST 504 Trauma-Informed Practices with Vulnerable Populations

This course introduces participants to trauma-informed practices specific to vulnerable populations of children and families. The purpose of the course is to expand the student"™s understanding of the demographics of various identified vulnerable populations and how the characteristics and conditions of vulnerable populations are related to child maltreatment and other types of trauma.


CAST 505 Child Advocacy Research Studies

This course introduces participants to the extant literature related to advocating for children. The purpose of the course is to expand the student"™s understanding the role of research in providing evidence-based practices for child advocacy and study within their respective disciplines.



CAST 501