BIOL 601 Seminar

Presentation of detailed study of topic of current interest in the biological literature. Attendance and one seminar presentation required for three semester of all candidates for the master's degree. Students completing thesis research must present their results orally prior to their scheduled thesis defense.


BIOL 611 Cell Regulation

Integrated study of regulation at various levels within the cell. Molecular control of cellular activity and its interconnection with biochemistry including regulation of enzyme activity, nucleic acid and protein biosynthesis, metabolic control by hormones, and membrane regulatory functions.



BIOL 501

BIOL 646 Reproductive Physiology

Treatment of reproductive mechanisms in higher vertebrates; particular attention to mammals. Topics include biology of sex, structure-function relationship in male and female reproductive systems, gametogenesis, gonadal steroids, nongonadal endocrine control mechanisms, cyclic reproductive phenomena, insemination and fertilization, viparity, pregnancy, parturition and lactation, fertility and sterility, and effects of environment and nutrition on reproductive processes.



BIOL 501

BIOL 650 Special Topics in Biology

Comprehensive reviews of current state of biological investigation for advanced graduate students. Analysis of frontiers of scientific advancement in molecular biology, quantitative ecology, and physiology.


BIOL 680 Graduate Research

Research conducted by a graduate student in the Comprehensive Exam option of our MS programs under the supervision of a member of the Biology Department faculty


BIOL 690 Thesis Research

Directed research culminating in the preparation of a thesis.


BIOL 691 Thesis

Directed research culminating in the preparation of a thesis.


BIOL 695

Graduate students are required to remain continuously enrolled until completion of thesis/capstone work in order to allow continuing usage of university resources and to accurately account for faculty involvement.


BIOL 699 Independent Study - Graduate

Primarily intended for thesis graduate students wishing to perform a thorough and directed literature review in support of their graduate research. Graduate students will develop the independent study activities with the assistance and approval of their research professor; formal assessment mechanisms to be determined by the professor. May be appropriate for non-thesis graduate students wishing to perform a thorough and directed literature review under the supervision of a professor, leading to the development of a formal paper.
