Applied Professional Studies

The Department of Applied Professional Studies is housed within the School of Business.

Office: E336 Thompson Hall
(716) 673-4959
Reneta Barneva, Chairperson

The Department of Applied Professional Studies hosts two major undergraduate programs leading to baccalaureate degrees - Sport Management and Music Industry - as well as two minors - Athletic Coaching and Sport Management.

The programs emphasize on applied fields of study with a strong interdisciplinary component and practical experience. All of our students are required to take an internship.

Sport Management focuses on lifetime wellness, personal health and well-being. Wellness courses are offered to enhance the quality of life of students and to develop skills in physical activities that can be continued for a lifetime. Health enhancement courses such as "Stress Management, Fitness and Nutrition," and "Wellness and Health Promotion" encourage students to take an active responsibility in managing their health.

The Music Industry major is for students interested in a comprehensive exploration of the various facets of the music industry including: contracts, publishing (copyrights, dissemination of the intellectual property licensing, music books, exploitation of catalog), the record business (recording, artist management, licensing, record distribution), tour management, self-employment business basics, marketing, business and legal affairs, public relations, promotion, sales and distribution, merchandising, and artist relations and ethics in the music industry.

The department also offers a number of physical education courses such as aqua-aerobic, lifeguard training, yoga, zumba, body sculpturing, ice-skating, self-defense, and others, which introduce students to strength and weight training, body toning, power-lifting, agility, rhythmic movement, balance, and aerobic exercise.

The following programs are included within the Department of Applied Professional Studies: