Alcohol and Drug Policy

Alcohol and Drug Policy

The inappropriate use of alcohol and drugs can interfere with student development and seriously threaten the health and safety of the University community. Members of the University community will be held accountable for their behavior while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, regardless of one’s age.

Conduct related to the use of alcohol where the individual becomes a disruption to the community is prohibited, regardless of one’s age. Being intoxicated due to the level of consumption of alcohol or other drugs, where students have placed themselves or others in harm’s way, or are experiencing significant difficulty functioning physically, is not permitted, regardless of one’s age.

The Alcohol Policy states that no one under 21 years of age may consume or possess alcoholic beverages. Hosts are responsible for all of their guests, including those who are under 21 years of age. Students who are over 21 may not consume alcohol in the presence of anyone under 21 other than their roommate. Individuals who are under the age of 21 may not be present where alcohol is being served or consumed other than as set forth by the aforementioned regulation. In such cases, all underage students present will be charged with an alcohol or drug policy violation. Fredonia prohibits the possession of alcohol related paraphernalia, regardless of age, including, but not limited to, empty alcohol containers used for decoration, the presence of “high-
risk drinking paraphernalia,” which includes beer pong tables, beer bongs or funnels, and all drinking games with or without alcohol, like water pong.

The Drug Policy states that all students should be aware that “Pursuant to the order of the Chancellor of SUNY, the illegal use of narcotics and/or dangerous drugs on campus is expressly forbidden.” The State University of New York at Fredonia prohibits the possession of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia including, but not limited to, pipes, hookahs, bongs, rollers, spoofs, water pipes, smokeless cigarettes/e-cigarettes, etc. Any student known or suspected to be in possession of, using or distributing drugs or drug related paraphernalia, or in the presence of any of the above, is subject to disciplinary action and criminal action under campus regulations, as well as state and federal law.

These alcohol and drug related sanctioning guidelines focus on student development and early intervention for minor violations and first offenses, and on a more disciplinary approach for major violations and repeat or multiple offenses.



The following are prohibited:
1. Using or possessing illegal drugs, controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia.
2. The sale or distribution of illegal drugs, controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia.
3. Being in the presence of any of the aforementioned.


The following are prohibited:
1. Using or possessing alcohol (persons under 21 years of age).
2. Distributing or selling alcohol to minors, on or off campus.
3. Misstating or misrepresenting age through the presentation of false documents.
4. Distributing or selling alcohol without a license.
5. Conduct related to the use of alcohol where the individual becomes a disruption to the
    community is prohibited, regardless of one’s age.
6. Being in the presence of any of the aforementioned.

Students who are of legal purchase age or older may possess alcoholic beverages in quantities for personal use only in their private rooms, subject to all regulations that may be established by the Office of Residence Life.


Typical Alcohol/Drug Sanction(s) 

Listed below are possible sanction(s) for those who violate the drug and alcohol policy. The sanctions listed may be used alone, or in combination, and additional sanctions not listed here may also be applied: 

1.First Offense

  • The first alcohol or drug related violation would typically result in a Disciplinary Warning and a requirement to complete either the online Alcohol or Drug Education Course. The student will be charged a fee to cover the cost of these programs.

2.Second Offense

  • The second alcohol or drug related violation would typically result in Disciplinary Probation and a referral to the Fredonia CARES program, an in-depth alcohol and drug prevention counseling program. The student will be charged a fee to offset some of the cost of this counseling program.

3. Third Offense

  • The third offense would typically result in some sort of Disciplinary Suspension. The duration of the suspension would depend on the student's educational and disciplinary record.

If any of the above mentioned offenses are very minor, the Residence Hall Director or Director of Student Conduct would have the option to issue a lesser sanction. If any of these offenses are major violations of campus policy, the sanctions may be more severe. Major violations would typically stem from police involvement, criminal charges, hospitalization of participants, or involve the illegal sale or distribution of drugs or provision of alcohol to students who are underage.

Alcohol Education Course

Students are required to complete this online program as a sanction for a first time violation of the University alcohol policy. This course is a science-based course and provides detailed information about alcohol and its effects on the body and mind. A fee will be charged to cover the cost of the program.

Drug Education Course

Students are required to complete this online program as a sanction for a first time violation of the University drug policy. The course is a science-based course that provides detailed information about marijuana and its effect on the body and mind. A fee will be charged to cover the cost of the program.

Fredonia C.A.R.E.S.

Fredonia CARES [Choice |Acceptance| Responsibility| Experience| Success] is a campus initiative designed to address alcohol and other drug concerns on our campus. The program responds to the individual needs of students who have been charged with a violation of the Fredonia Alcohol and Drug Policy. Additionally, students who believe they might benefit from examining their substance use may take part in an appropriate workshop. Students will have a private and confidential consultation, and participate in a researched based workshop focusing on self-assessment to help better understand the risks and impacts substance use plays in one’s life. The program respects individuals' values and personal choices regarding substance use. It also supports the idea that with new information, time to process it, and support for change, many people will benefit from considering behavior changes and exploring new beliefs. A fee is charged to cover the cost of this program.