School of Business

Office: E336 Thompson Hall

(716) 673-3505


Dr. Mojtaba Seyedian, Interim Dean

E336B Thompson Hall

(716) 673-3505




Department Chairpersons: 

Dr. Julie Fitzpatrick, Business Administration Department 
E336 Thompson Hall
(716) 673-3402

Dr. Reneta Barneva, Applied Professional Studies Department
E336D Thompson Hall
(716) 673-4750

Internship Coordinators: 

Dr. Susan McNamaraBusiness Administration and Accounting
W315 Thompson Hall
(716) 673-3898

Armand PetriMusic Industry
W305 Thompson Hall 
(716) 673-4605

Dr. Sungick MinSport Management
W303 Thompson Hall 
(716) 673-4964

Undergraduate degree programs in Accounting, Public Accountancy, Business Administration, Business Administration - Finance, Business Administration -  Management and Business Administration -  Marketing are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB-International).  Other majors held in the School of Business include:  Music Industry, Sport Management and Economics.  

In consonance with the Mission and Baccalaureate Goals of the University, our mission is to integrate excellence in instruction, relevant faculty scholarship, and proactive community service to prepare students from differing backgrounds to be successful, ethical, and globally aware business professionals. We accomplish this by:

  • Providing students with high quality educational opportunities, engaging them with faculty, local business, regional community, and university organizations.
  • Continuously improving a challenging curriculum through ongoing student learning outcomes assessments.
  • Supporting scholarly, professional, and pedagogical research that sustains intellectual vitality and enriches student learning.
  • Providing collaborative research efforts with the more capable students so as to develop their latent talents and advance their career opportunities.
  • Providing the region, university, and broader professional community with the expertise that further strengthens the academic currency of the Faculty, and that adds value to these communities.