MUED 304 Instrumental Music in Elementary School

Study curriculum development, instructional planning, and research-validated instructional strategies for teaching instrumental music in elementary school. Design and practice offering differentiated instruction that enhances the music learning of all students. Practice applying knowledge of human and musical developmental processes and variations to create a safe and nurturing learning environment that fosters the health and learning of all students, and the development of a sense of community and respect for one another. Develop skills to provide instruction that will promote the participation and progress of students with disabilities. Study and apply effective practices for applying positive behavioral supports and interventions to address student and classroom management needs. Study and implement effective practices for planning and designing co-teaching and collaboration with peers. Study and practice skills for developing the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills of all students. Increase skill assessing student learning, analyzing one's own teaching practice, using information gathered through assessment and analysis to plan or modify instruction, and using various resources to enhance teaching. Investigate means to update knowledge and skills in music and in pedagogy. Intern teaching with students in elementary and middle school classrooms. Professional Standing required.




MUED 393


Every semester