GERM - German

GERM 100 Introduction to German

Students will be introduced to the language, familiarized with its basic vocabulary and grammar, and prepared to communicate at an elementary level. They will also be introduced to the distinctive features of the cultures where the language is spoken. The course is for students with none or very little background in the language.


GERM 110 Essential German

Students develop essential communicative skills and cultural awareness necessary in order to interact with people from that culture, whether it is in their home country or in the United States. In order to take this course, students must have scored a level 2 or 3 in the approved placement test or have taken the introductory course GERM 100 at Fredonia



GERM 100

GERM 115 Elementary German I

Designed for students with no previous preparation. Study of fundamental speech patterns. Initial emphasis on developing listening comprehension, speaking skills, including pronunciation, with progressive emphasis on reading and writing skills. Discussion of selected cultural aspects.


GERM 116 Elementary German II

Designed for students with one semester of college level German or equivalent. Further practice in pronunciation and fundamental speech patterns. Continued development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills for communicative proficiency. Discussion of selected cultural aspects.



GERM 115 or NY Regents German Exam Score of an 80 or better

GERM 215 Intermediate German I

Increases proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in German. Further development of vocabulary and grammar. Selected cultural and literary readings.



GERM 116 or NY Regents German Exam Score of an 85 or better

GERM 216 Intermediate German II

Development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to attain proficiency required for upper level courses in German. Expansion of vocabulary and advanced grammar. Selected cultural and literary readings.



GERM 215

GERM 317 German Conversation

Conversational exercises: reports, discussions. Readings from newspapers and cultural texts stressing contemporary colloquial German. Emphasis on idioms.



GERM 215

GERM 318 German Composition

Practice in writing colloquial and formal German. Emphasis on idioms; style and structure in dialogue, descriptive and critical writing.



GERM 215

GERM 323 Germany Since 1918

Cultural aspects of the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich, and contemporary Germany. Guest lecturers, readings, and films. in English.



GERM 215

GERM 400 Special Topics in German

Special areas in German language, literature, or culture and civilization not covered by regular courses.


GERM 410 Directed Study

Individual directed study of a particular area or topic in German language or literature. Periodic meetings with instructor, writing of a substantial paper.


GERM 413 German Song Literature

A study of selected German vocal literature in its literary and musical context to acquaint singers and pianists with authors and their background from the viewpoint of intellectual history and literary movements.



MUS 137 and MUS 138 and MUS 139 and MUS 264