SPAN - Spanish

SPAN 100 Introduction to Spanish

Students will be introduced to the language, familiarized with its basic vocabulary and grammar, and prepared to communicate at an elementary level. They will also be introduced to the distinctive features of the cultures where the language is spoken. The course is for students with none or very little background in the language.


SPAN 110 Essential Spanish

Students develop essential communicative skills and cultural awareness necessary in order to interact with people from that culture, whether it is in their home country or in the United States. In order to take this course, students must have scored a level 2 or 3 in the approved placement test or have taken the introductory course SPAN 100 at Fredonia.



SPAN 100

SPAN 115 Introduction to Spanish

Introduction to the fundamentals of the Spanish language. Emphasis will be given to all four communicative skills: speaking, writing, listening, and reading. Course is designed for students with less than two years of high school Spanish or no background at all. Enrollment by permission of the department.


SPAN 116 Elementary Spanish II

Continuation of SPAN 115. Further introduction to fundamental speech patterns. For students with one semester of college-level Spanish or equivalent. Stress on listening comprehension, oral ability, reading and writing skills.



SPAN 115 or NY Regents Spanish Exam Score of an 80 or better

SPAN 120 Spanish in Action: Online Component

Provides intensive practice of Spanish vocabulary and grammatical structures. Online activities are self-paced and are required preparation for SPAN 121. Successful completion of SPAN 120 and 121 fulfills the College Core Curriculum Foreign Language requirement at the proficiency level for students enrolled in programs granting the B.A. degree. For students with two or more years of high school Spanish or equivalent.



SPAN 121

SPAN 121 Spanish in Action: In-Class Component

The course builds on the fundamentals of Spanish and applies them to real situations. It is also an introduction to the different Hispanic cultures. It emphasizes communicative skills applying the vocabulary and grammar concepts learned in SPAN 120. Successful completion of SPAN 120 and 121 fulfills the College Core Curriculum Foreign Language requirement at the proficiency level for students enrolled in programs granting the B.A. degree. For students with two or more years of high school Spanish.



SPAN 120

SPAN 215 Intermediate Spanish I

Increases proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Spanish. Further development of vocabulary and grammar. Selected cultural and literary readings.



SPAN 116 or (SPAN 120 and SPAN 121) or NY Regents Spanish Exam Score of an 85 or better or SPAN 110

SPAN 216 Intermediate Spanish II

Development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to attain proficiency required for upper level courses in Spanish. Expansion of vocabulary and advanced grammar. Selected cultural and literary readings.



SPAN 215

SPAN 280 Topics in Spanish

The mini course provides an in-depth study of a specific topic of Spanish language or culture. Students can repeat course as its content changes


SPAN 301 Intensive Spanish Grammar

An in-depth examination and review of grammar categories in Spanish. It will provide extensive oral and written practice.



SPAN 216

SPAN 307 Special Topics

Topics in Spanish language and literature.



SPAN 216

SPAN 308 Advanced Spanish Phonetics and Diction

Detailed study of rules of pronunciation and transcription into International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Pronunciation drills, exercises in sound discrimination and intonation.



SPAN 216

SPAN 313 Spanish Conversation

Oral-aural drills, conversational exercises to provide practice in understanding and speaking Spanish. Emphasis on improving pronunciation and fluency.



SPAN 216

SPAN 314 Spanish Composition

Writing colloquial and formal Spanish. Translations and free compositions.



SPAN 216

SPAN 315 Readings in Spanish

The course will improve the students' reading comprehension in Spanish through a varied array of texts, from social media to literature. The class begins with a study of what it involves reading in the language. The last part of the course will be devoted to literary texts and their analysis.



SPAN 216

SPAN 319 Survey of Spanish Literature I

Principal literary movements and writers studied against historical, social, and cultural backgrounds. Selected masterpieces through the 17th century. Outside readings.



SPAN 315

SPAN 320 Survey of Spanish Literature II

Principal literary movements and writers studied against historical, social, and cultural backgrounds. Selected masterpieces from the l8th century to the present. Outside readings.



SPAN 315

SPAN 325 Survey of Spanish-American Literature

Principal literary movements in Spanish America from Colonial period. with emphasis on post-Independence literature.



SPAN 315

SPAN 329 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics

The course introduces students to the various areas of modern Spanish linguistics concentrating in phonology, morphology, and syntax, with special reference to contrasts with English. It will also explore areas of pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and second language acquisition.



SPAN 314 and SPAN 315

SPAN 340 Cultural Issues in the Hispanic World

The study of a cultural issue or theme during a specific period and/or region. Students will gain insight into what the issues are and their ramifications, while developing an understanding of the diversity and complexity of contemporary societies in the Spanish-speaking world.



SPAN 314 and SPAN 315

SPAN 375 Themes in Hispanic Literature

The course focuses a major theme or issue in literature written in Spanish. Students will follow the explorations of different writers in order to gain a better understanding of the issue at hand.



SPAN 314 and SPAN 315

SPAN 377 Special Topics

Topics in Spanish language and literature.



SPAN 315

SPAN 388 Spanish Civilization and Culture

A comprehensive introduction to aspects of Spanish civilization and culture: geography, history, social customs, political movements, literature and art.



SPAN 313 or SPAN 314 or SPAN 317

SPAN 400 Special Topics in Spanish

Special areas in Spanish language, literature, or culture and civilization not covered by regular courses.



SPAN 313 or SPAN 314 or SPAN 317

SPAN 401 Imperial Spain

Analysis of main currents of Spanish culture in Siglo de Oro through readings in history, sociology, and literature.



SPAN 319

SPAN 407 Special Topics

Special areas in Spanish not covered by regular courses.


SPAN 410 Directed Study

Individual directed study of a particular area or topic in Spanish language or literature. Periodic meetings with instructor, writing of a substantial paper.


SPAN 413 Advanced Communication in Spanish

Practice of different styles and levels of communication such as narrative, critical commentary, debate, and dramatic dialogue to strengthen oral skills and develop advanced oral proficiency. Study of idiomatic expressions.



SPAN 313 and SPAN 314

SPAN 415 Individual Oral Proficiency Development In Spanish

Student will develop a list of weekly activities, such as watching movies, listening to music, reading of articles and books, etc. that will further enhance the student’s oral proficiency in Spanish. Student will meet once a week with instructor to discuss the activities. The course will end with retaking of Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) exam. Student is responsible for the cost of the exam.


SPAN 423 Senior Seminar

In-depth study of a literary or cultural topic selected by the instructor. Major written paper and oral presentation required. All work to be done in Spanish.



(SPAN 319 and SPAN 320) or (SPAN 319 and SPAN 325) or (SPAN 320 and SPAN 325)

SPAN 424 Spanish Creative Writing

Study of literary techniques. Direct composition in Spanish to encourage incorporation of these devices into student's own writing.



SPAN 315 and (SPAN 318 or SPAN 314)

SPAN 425 Spanish-American Fiction

Prose fiction in Spanish America with special emphasis on 20th century authors.



SPAN 325

SPAN 427 The Art and Craft of Translation

Discussions of translation theory and problems of translation, followed by translation from Spanish to English, ending with translation from English to Spanish.



SPAN 315 and (SPAN 318 or SPAN 314) and (SPAN 320 or SPAN 325)

SPAN 472 Hispanic Literary Figures

The course focuses on a writer whose work has made significant contributions to the literature written in Spanish. The writer's work provides new ways of examining and understanding the history and culture of the Spanish-speaking world.



SPAN 315 and SPAN 319 or SPAN 320 or SPAN 325 or SPAN 375

SPAN 478 Great Moments in Hispanic Literature

The study of a significant period or movement in literature written in Spanish: how the intersections of artists, writers, and cultural ideas of that moment have impacted what we now know as the Spanish-speaking world. SPAN 315 is required, at least one 300 level Spanish course recommended.



SPAN 315and SPAN 319 or SPAN 320 or SPAN 325 or SPAN 375 or SPAN 424 or SPAN 425 or SPAN 427 or LANG 327

SPAN 480 Internship in Spanish

Students will be sponsored by a faculty in the Modern Languages and Literature department. Additionally, they must have completed the application required by the campus Office of Internships.


SPAN 485 Undergraduate Learning Assistant for Spanish

Students serve as undergraduate learning assistant for the hybrid course, Spanish in Action. Assistants help the instructor both in the classroom as well as outside the classroom monitoring class activities online and offering tutoring. Assistants are also responsible for developing and teaching a lesson on a topic agreed upon with the instructor. Assistants learn and develop best practices in language teaching. Students in education certification programs preferred.



SPAN 313 and SPAN 314 and SPAN 315

SPAN 500 Special Topics

Special areas in Spanish not covered by regular courses. Permission of department required.


SPAN 507 Special Topics in Spanish

Special areas in Spanish not covered by regular courses.


SPAN 510 Directed Study in Spanish

Individual supervised study of particular area or topic in any of the department's Spanish language or literature offerings. Periodic meetings with instructor and writing of a substantial paper. Permission of department required.
