INDS 302 Special Topics: Museum Studies

The course will examine a specialized area of museum studies, such as public history, museum education, the art museum, historical sites administration, or the anthropological museum. Format and topic will vary, depending on instructor. May be taken more than once for credit.



INDS 202

INDS 310 SUNYMEU: Junior

The course meets weekly for 50 minutes, culminating in participation in a four-day intercollegiate, international simulation of the European Union. The simulation takes place at a university campus in New York State in odd years (spring semester) and at a European university in even years (winter break/January). Students are assigned alter egos (roles) and work on country teams.


INDS 315 Italian American Experience

This course examines the experience of Italians in the United States from an interdisciplinary perspective. It explores the push and pull factors during the peak years of Italian emigration, the culture, society, economy, and government they left behind, and the new world they entered.


INDS 389 Special Topics

Topics of special or current interest offered periodically and taught from an interdisciplinary perspective.


INDS 399 Service Learning

Students will work on public service projects that are coordinated through the instructor. Successful completion of an approved service-learning contract will be expected for students enrolled in this course. A maximum of 4 credit hours of service learning may be applied to the 120 credit hour requirement for BachelorÆ’??s Degree.