INDS 100 International Student Seminar

A seminar for international students that provides speaking and writing opportunities building on previous English language training. Enrollment requires permission of instructor and/or the International Education Office.


INDS 101 Colloquium

Explores the basic concepts and views of International Studies as well as offering an introduction to each area of specialization.


INDS 105 Introduction to American Indian Studies

Introduces students to the multi-disciplinary nature of American Indian Studies. The course is divided into three parts with each part emphasizing a different set of knowledges and approaches to the study of American Indians. The first part of the course will examine the historical relationships between American Indians and the U.S. government. Emphasis will be placed on changes in federal policies, and the importance of law in shaping American Indian geographies. Part two of the course examines the politics of "Indian Country," the environment, changing Indian demographics and economic development. Part three will focus upon cultural politics and will examine American Indian ethnic identity, representations of Indians in movies and literature, and Indian self-expression through literature and other expressive forms.


INDS 110 SUNYMEU: Freshman

The course meets weekly for 50 minutes, culminating in participation in a four-day intercollegiate, international simulation of the European Union. The simulation takes place at a university campus in New York State in odd years (spring semester) and at a European university in even years (winter break/January). Students are assigned alter egos (roles) and work on country teams.


INDS 111 Religion and Culture in the Time of the Crusades

The course focuses specifically on interactions between Christianity and Islam during the time of the Crusades. From four disciplinary perspectives, the class examines both the interdependence and the roots of conflict between the two cultures, the nature of fanaticism, and the development of Church and State as related institutions, as they all originate from the medieval quest for true knowledge of God.


INDS 120 World Religions

An introduction to the beliefs, history, scriptures, practices, experiences, institutions, and values of five prominent world religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Also introduces the methods and classic theories of the discipline of Religious Studies.


INDS 199 Service Learning

Students will work on public service projectsthat are coordinated through the instructor. Successful completion of an approved service-learning contract will be expected for students enrolled in this course. A maximum of 4 credit hours of service learning may be applied to the 120 credit hour requirement for BachelorÆ’??s Degree.