Education Graduate Programs
College of Education - Professional Education Unit
Office: 705 Maytum Hall
(716) 673-3311
Christine Givner, Dean of the College of Education and Chief Certification Officer
Barbara Nolan, Associate Dean of the College of Education
Department of Education
Office: E268 Thompson Hall
(716) 673-3701
Robert L. Dahlgren, Chairperson
Graduate Assistant Criteria, Processes, Deadlines
Students wishing to be considered for a graduate assistantship in the College of Education should check the appropriate box on the graduate application form. Upon approval of the applicant's acceptance into one of the graduate programs, the applicant should apply for a College of Education Graduate Assistantship via Interview Exchange. The dean and the two department chairs (Curriculum and Instruction, and Language, Learning and Leadership) will review the applications and conduct interviews with all finalists to determine the final list of graduate assistants for the fall semester. Criteria for selection as a graduate assistant within the College of Education include: availability for work assignment during regular office hours, Monday through Friday; intellectual potential to support appropriate research and program evaluation activities of the unit; appropriate written and oral communication skills; and appropriate scholarly and professional dispositions. Applications received by March 15 will be given priority.
Program Philosophy and Conceptual Framework for All Certification Programs
The College of Education believes that all children can learn and that they learn best when taught by reflective and responsive educators who carefully assess their instructional competence via reflections upon pupil performance. Responsive educators act upon information gleaned from their professional reflections; they make informed decisions and adjust instruction to enhance pupil progress.
Candidates enroll in course work related to child/adolescent development, educational foundations, and pedagogical strategies, as well as discipline-specific content courses. All of the courses strengthen the candidates' Four Pillars of Understanding (Knowledge, Pedagogy, Diversity, and Professionalism), which in turn support the process of effective planning, instructing, reflecting, and responding. Course work and instruction are rooted in a strong foundation of research-based practices and strategies, contextual factors that influence instruction, and standards for teaching and learning. Graduate programs provide a variety of gateways to advanced certification, further professional development, prepare students for doctoral programs, and act as a stepping-stone to lifelong learning.
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
Fredonia is fully accredited by CAEP, the national accreditation organization. CAEP advances excellent educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 student learning. CAEP standards expect the College of Education-Professional Education Unit to base its programs on content and teaching standards set by professional associations in each content area. CAEP accreditation adds both credibility and national transportability to Fredonia certification programs.
Office of Student Services
The Office of Student Services in E259 Thompson Hall provides information for candidates and potential candidates (in all certification programs) in the areas of advisement, New York State testing requirements, fingerprinting requirements, application for teacher certification using the online TEACH website, course selection and registration information, professional development opportunities, and more. The office telephone number is (716) 673-4768.
Teacher Education Certification
The Dean of the College of Education serves as Fredonia's Chief Certification Officer and instructional leader for the graduate programs in education. The Dean is responsible for oversight of all applications for certification for compliance with institutional and New York State requirements. Any questions or concerns related to the process of acquiring certification should be directed to Dean Christine Givner, 704 Maytum Hall, (716) 673-3311.