Community Outreach

Advancement, Engagement, and Economic Development

The Division of Advancement, Engagement, and Economic Development (AEED) facilitates and supports university-community collaborations that enhance the intellectual, cultural, artistic and economic vibrancy of the region. Such collaborations include active community engagement and partnerships with local and regional organizations, governments, businesses and universities. The Division oversees the Fredonia Technology Incubator located in the City of Dunkirk.  The Fredonia Technology Incubator (FTI) promotes economic growth in the Western Southern Tier of New York State by supporting entrepreneurship and the development of new, innovative, arts and technology-based companies into successful business ventures.  FTI also serves as a regional economic development hub. AEED administers the StartUp NY program for the university.  StartUP NY creates tax free zones on or near approved colleges and universities throughout New York State. The goal is to attract businesses that would not otherwise locate in the state, and it provides incentives to retain and expand jobs. It is intended to benefit all residents through new direct spending, resident taxes, and home-ownership demand in communities. StartUP provides major tax incentives for businesses to relocate, start or expand businesses in the state. Approved businesses will be granted ten years of state tax benefits if they operate on or near academic campuses. New employees of sponsored businesses will not pay state income tax while in the program. In addition, businesses may be eligible for addition incentives. Businesses must be approved and sponsored by a campus that has an approved Campus Plan. In addition, the Division contains the Center for Regional Advancement (CRA) that strives to enhance our regional vitality through community engagement by connecting the talents, knowledge and passions of Fredonia’s faculty and staff to community needs and opportunities. Fredonia’s AEED also oversees and supports the endeavors of Native American SUNY: Western Consortium which focuses upon educational access, opportunity, and development for Native American students and communities. The consortium is comprised of Tribal representatives and Western New York region SUNY Campuses. For more information about the community outreach, interested persons should contact the Office of Advancement, Engagement, and Economic Development, 701 Maytum Hall, at (716) 673-3758, visit our website at, or email us at

Fredonia College Foundation, Inc.

The Fredonia College Foundation, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation, was formed in 1964 to encourage and accept gifts and endowments in support of the priority needs of the State University of New York at Fredonia, its faculty and students.

In order to maintain the quality of academic offerings at Fredonia and to realize the university’s commitment to public service for western New York and the state, the university must look to non-state sources to assist in its development. The foundation seeks support for scholarships and those programs and events that enrich the university and community that cannot be supported by state funds.

Contributions from alumni, parents, friends, faculty/staff, emeriti, business and industry, the professions, foundations, and other public and private sources have strengthened many university programs. Gifts of cash, appreciated stock, real estate and insurance, gifts-in-kind, works of art, books, equipment, and teaching materials, as well as planned gifts such as bequests and gift annuities, have enabled the university to move forward, even in times of budgetary restraint.

The work of the Fredonia College Foundation is overseen by a volunteer board of directors, whose members serve three-year terms. The board is drawn from alumni, as well as local and regional community leaders. For information on opportunities for giving through the Fredonia College Foundation, interested persons should visit the foundation's website at or email

Henry C. Youngerman Center for Communication Disorders

The Henry C. Youngerman Center for Communication Disorders is located in Thompson Hall. The center, a major component of the Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences, contains an audiology clinic, a speech-language clinic, laboratories and classrooms. Speech, language, and hearing evaluations and treatment are provided to students and residents of the neighboring communities. Students in Communication Disorders and Sciences participate as observers and as clinicians under the supervision of licensed and certified speech pathologists and audiologists.

Extended Learning

The Office of Extended Learning is located in Fenton Hall. This program brings together a unique combination of university and community support services.

Non-Credit Courses, Conferences, Institutes, and Workshops

The office works with university faculty and staff, community groups, and local industry to identify and provide for their specialized education and training needs.

Lifelong Learning Credit Program

Designed for those who would like to begin their college studies on a part-time basis, this program enables individuals to enroll in regular undergraduate courses for credit without the more formal college admissions procedures associated with full-time study.  Although the application process is greatly simplified, Lifelong Learning Credit Program students are held to the same academic standards as their matriculated colleagues – and experience the same high quality Fredonia education.

Applications for admission are available in the Office of Extended Learning, 2146 Fenton Hall, or the Office of Admissions, Maytum Hall, 6th Floor, Fredonia, N.Y. 14063.

Qualified students are eligible to enroll in regular day or evening courses, including a number scheduled in the late afternoon and early evening. The Lifelong Learning Credit Program is especially appropriate for those who wish to pursue non-degree university studies on a part-time schedule - for personal growth, job advancement, or other reasons. Academic advisement is provided to assist students with course selection. After a designated number of credit hours, students are encouraged to seek admission to a baccalaureate degree program at that time. Credit earned through Lifelong Learning course work will apply toward any degree program at the university.

A student with prior academic experience who is seeking degree study on a full-time or part-time basis should pursue admission as a transfer applicant (see Transfer Admissions).

Visiting Student Program

Students presently enrolled at another college or university who wish to pursue academic study at Fredonia for one or two semesters may apply for admission through the Visiting Student Program. Advantages of the program, in addition to expanding academic options, include getting to know other new students, faculty and geographic areas, as well as having an opportunity to see oneself, one's education, and future plans from a new perspective. To qualify for the program, students must receive approval for a proposed academic program from an appropriate official at their present college. Applications are reviewed following the procedures used in evaluating requests for admission from transfer applicants. Registration in specific courses is offered on a space-available basis.

For information on any of the above, students should call (716) 673-3177, email, visit Extended Learning in 2146 Fenton Hall.

J-Term (Joining Term) and Summer Sessions

Many community members take advantage of summer and J-Term offerings, which include study on campus, online, and abroad. Extended Learning coordinates the schedules for these intersessions. More information can be obtained on the web regarding these opportunities - and