Academic Advising at Fredonia

At Fredonia, faculty and staff partner with students in a formal academic advising process. Academic advisors are dedicated to enhancing each student’s academic goals, while assisting students in making decisions and developing educational and career plans.

As part of the orientation program, new students have an opportunity to discuss educational objectives with a knowledgeable advisor who will help them understand their schedule for the first semester. Prior to the start of the first semester, students are assigned an academic advisor by their department. Students can find out the name of their advisor by going on the university website at, and then signing on to “Your Connection.”

Students are required to make an appointment with their advisor prior to each semester’s course registration period to discuss their academic future, review their mid-semester grade report, and plan a program of study for the coming semester.


By emphasizing advising as part of the learning process, Fredonia facilitates students’ development and implementation of plans to achieve their educational, career, and life goals. At Fredonia, academic advising is an intentional, educational partnership between advisors and students.


  • Respect: We value the student as an individual with whom we share academic advising responsibility.
  • Accountability: We seek to offer students timely and accurate information with focused intent on their goals.
  • Integrity: We seek to thoughtfully assess students’ plans and goals and encourage their self-reflection and redirection, as necessary.

Student Responsibilities in the Advising Process:

  • Become knowledgeable about the university’s program requirements, policies and procedures.
  • Be familiar with and access university tools for monitoring academic progress, such as Degree Works.
  • Understand your department’s program requirements including course prerequisites and sequencing.
  • Seek assistance in the appropriate department if a second major or minor has been declared.
  • Maintain communication and appointments with your academic advisor, clarifying personal values and goals and discussing questions or concerns.
  • Keep a personal file of all academic progress including related documents.
  • Accept responsibility for your academic decisions and performance.
  • Understand that you have the right to change your advisor, with department chair approval.

Advisor Responsibilities in the Advising Process:

  • Stay informed of and communicate current and changing university policies and program requirements.
  • Monitor students’ academic progress using tools such as Degree Works and document all exchanges from advising interactions in the academic advising file.
  • Proactively contact and be available for student advisees on a regular basis through a variety of communication modes such as office hours and email.
  • Listen carefully to questions and concerns, encouraging students’ self-reflection to assist them in clarifying personal values and professional goals.
  • Provide students with information and resources to promote academic progress.
  • Empower students to take responsibility for their academic success.
  • Refer students to campus services relevant to their individual needs.
  • Collaborate with peers to help students meet cross disciplinary requirements.
  • Engage with peers through professional development to exchange ideas, information and philosophies to improve the advising process.