EDU 517 Types of English Language Learners

In this special topics course, participants will have the chance to learn about the various "types" of English language learners (ELLs). Often, people assume that ELLs are children who just need to learn the English language and are in K-12 school settings. While this definition can be true, it is limited in its scope for its lack of recognizing the various influences and contexts in which people are and can be classified as ELLs. Further, not all ELLs have had or are in K-12 settings. Therefore, this course is designed to introduce students to the various types of ELLs. This may include all or most of the following: (a) long-term ELLs; (b) (im)migrants; (c) adults; and (d) refugees, newcomers and students with interrupted formal education (SIFE). The goal of this course is to introduce anyone interested in learning about these various "types" of ELLs to the defining characteristics of each group, to rectify any myths and misunderstandings about who ELLs are while digging into the controversial group labeling that can exist, and to examine and discover pertinent influences which may impact language acquisition and ELLs’ ability to be included as full members of society (whether in school or workplace environments).




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