2012-2013 Catalog > Courses > SPAN - Spanish > 400
Special areas in Spanish language, literature, or culture and civilization not covered by regular courses.
Analysis of main currents of Spanish culture in Siglo de Oro through readings in history, sociology, and literature.
Special areas in Spanish not covered by regular courses.
Individual directed study of a particular area or topic in Spanish language or literature. Periodic meetings with instructor, writing of a substantial paper.
Practice of different styles and levels of communication such as narrative, critical commentary, debate, and dramatic dialogue to strengthen oral skills and develop advanced oral proficiency. Study of idiomatic expressions.
In-depth study of a literary or cultural topic selected by the instructor. Major written paper and oral presentation required. All work to be done in Spanish.
Study of literary techniques. Direct composition in Spanish to encourage incorporation of these devices into student's own writing.
Prose fiction in Spanish America with special emphasis on 20th century authors.
Discussions of translation theory and problems of translation, followed by translation from Spanish to English, ending with translation from English to Spanish.
The study of a significant period or movement in literature written in Spanish: how the intersections of artists, writers, and cultural ideas of that moment have impacted what we now know as the Spanish-speaking world. SPAN 315 is required, at least one 300 level Spanish course recommended.
Students will be sponsored by a faculty in the Modern Languages and Literature department. Additionally, they must have completed the application required by the campus Office of Internships.