MUED 609 Administration and Supervision of School Music

Study of current practices. Topics include supervision, in-service education, curricular and instructional developments, public relations, finance, facilities, and resources. Individual projects connected to teaching situations.


MUED 610 Music Assessment

Presents and examines the functions of assessment in the music classroom; how to create, administer, and interpret the results of teacher-developed assessments; and how to interpret the results of externally developed, published music measures.


MUED 618 Seminar in Music Education

Presentation and examination of current topics of relevance to music educators. Outside faculty, students, and others in music and related fields called upon as needed. Individual projects.


MUED 651 Philosophical Perspectives of Music Education

Examination of important philosophies, relevance to music education and educator; aesthetics; contemporary educational philosophies including Existentialism, Reconstructionism, Experimentalism, Realism, Idealism, and philosophies of mind as they relate to the artistic experience and arts education. Emphasis on developing, articulating, and defending a philosophical point of view.


MUED 652 Psychological Perspectives for Music Education

Examination of important psychological developments and theories and their importance for music education and the music educator: psychology of aesthetics, humanistic psychology, current learning theory, and child and adolescent development as related to problems of instruction in music. Emphasis on articulating and defending methods of instruction and choice of musical content in terms of psychological principles.