Good Academic Standing Requirements and Receipt of Graduate Financial Aid


Federal regulations require that all financial aid recipients maintain program pursuit and make satisfactory academic progress toward completion of degree program requirements (referred to as Good Academic Standing). The Financial Aid Office evaluates student aid recipient progress according to federal requirements for TEACH Grant, Stafford and Graduate PLUS loans at the completion of the academic year. Please refer to the chart below.

Good Academic Standing Chart for Graduate Financial Aid

Before receiving Federal aid prior to this semester, you must meet all the three criteria below




Percentage of attempted hours that must be completed with a passing or failing grade




Student must have accrued at least this many credits




With a minimum grade point average of




Notification Procedure: Compliance with guidelines for receipt of federal financial aid (see chart above) is evaluated for all graduate students on a yearly basis at the end of the Spring semester. The Financial Aid Office will notify students who become ineligible for financial aid within one month after the Spring semester if they have not met the eligibility requirements. The notification letter will inform the student of loss of aid at SUNY Fredonia for the subsequent semester and it will also outline the waiver procedure that must be followed if the student chooses to appeal the decision.

Waiver Procedure: Reinstatement of graduate federal financial aid may be approved only when unusual circumstances prevented the student from meeting the expected criteria (see chart above) and there is sufficient documentation supporting the request for reinstatement. A request to reinstate federal graduate financial aid for the next semester is initiated via the Waiver Application Form sent to you by the Financial Aid Office and will be evaluated based on the student’s documentation of the unusual circumstances that led to the cancellation of such aid. A student choosing to use the waiver process to request reinstatement of financial aid must complete and submit the Waiver Application Form (with appropriate documentation) to the Graduate Studies Office, 2144 Fenton Hall, for evaluation by the committee.