POLI 311 Fundamentals of Public Administration

Examination of role of bureaucracy and administration in America. Initial focus on political setting of the bureaucracy as it interacts with other key actors and institutions. Then consideration of internal characteristics and processes, and examination of topics such as organization theory, decision-making, personnel, and budgeting.



POLI 120

POLI 313 American Power Structures

Examination of the power structures of the United States. Analysis of how factors such as economic class, race, or ethnicity influence who holds or controls political power in federal, state, and local governments. Contrasting theories of who governs are studied: pluralist, elite, and class-based models. Students will learn techniques of organizing people to exercise power in behalf of their common interests.



POLI 120

POLI 321 Political Parties and Interest Groups

The role of political parties and interest groups in the shaping of government policies and the ordering of society is analyzed. Internal structures and membership of both parties and groups is emphasized, especially how the collective action problem is solved. The influences of parties and interest groups upon public policies are evaluated. Proposals to reform parties and groups are presented.



POLI 120

POLI 322 New York Government

Study of the legal framework of New York's state and local governments. Analysis of state and local executive organization, politics, political participation, and policy making. Critical examination of the economic competitiveness of N.Y. state in the U.S. and global economy. Attention also to the idea of reinventing government techniques and models.



POLI 120

POLI 323 Elections in America

Critical examination of the social, psychological, and rational choice explanations of voting. Emphasis is placed on the evidence supporting the alternative explanations. In the process of evaluating the alternative explanations, the determinants of voting, the extent of ideological thinking trends in turnout, the political business cycle and historical changes in voting patterns are examined.



POLI 120

POLI 324 President and Congress

Critical examination of the frequently overlapping and conflicting roles of the American President and Congress in making decisions about public policy in the U.S. Attention will be given to recruitment patterns and behavior while in office as well as the nature of the policy outputs. Analysis of institutional forms in other nations will be included to provide a comparative perspective.



POLI 120

POLI 325 Public Opinion and Participation

The course examines public opinion, political participation, and civic engagement in American democracy. Study of the formation and change in attitudes, preferences, values and identity, and the influence of socialization, media, political and social context. Assesses public trust in government and political behavior including voting and protest. Provides theoretical and practical understanding through data collection and analysis.



POLI 120

POLI 326 Media and Politics

The study of mass media in American politics, investigating print, broadcast and new media sources and technologies, content and effect. An examination of the media's watchdog role, ownership, regulation, freedom of the press, news management and reform. Analyzes ongoing media coverage of political events, figures and issues, researching the impact of agenda setting, framing and priming on attention and learning.


POLI 328 African American Politics

African Americans have historically been confronted with a number of obstacles when attempting to act in the American political system. Students will critically assess how African Americans can best overcome the obstacles in order to obtain desired policy responses from the political system. In doing so, students will explore the historical context from which these constraints arose, how they have been overcome in the past, and contemplate what factors contribute to their persistence today. Included will be investigations into the role of parties and elections, protest politics, and the Supreme Court.



POLI 120

POLI 329 Topics in American Politics

Examination in depth of current topic in American politics not falling within any other American politics course. May be taken more than once as topics change.



POLI 120

POLI 330 Western European Politics

Comparative study and analysis of governments and politics of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, and other Western European nations. Considerable attention will be given to the changing socioeconomic characteristics of the nations in the context of the evolving European Community and the drive for European integration.



POLI 120 or POLI 150

POLI 331 Canadian Politics

Examination of the background and socioeconomic foundations of contemporary Canadian politics with special emphasis to the impact of linguistic, cultural and geographic divisions and their impact on the institutions and decision making processes in Canada. Attention will also be given to the influence of the U.S., the United Kingdom and France on Canada.



POLI 120 or POLI 150

POLI 332 Russian Politics

Critical introduction to the theory and practice of Russian governmental institutions and political processes in light of Russian history, the Soviet and Marxist efforts to redirect that history, and the rapid political, social, economic and cultural changes in Russia and the former Soviet Union at the end of the 20th century.



POLI 120 or POLI 150

POLI 334 African Politics

Study of contemporary African politics focuses upon processes of political change and conflict. It includes analysis of patterns of colonial rule, nationalist protest, modern political parties and political systems, ethnic conflict, problems of economic development, and the role of social groups, parties, the military, and ideology in the struggle for civil liberties and democracy. Studies of specific countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa.



POLI 120 or POLI 150

POLI 335 Germany and Europe

The course seeks, through an analysis of post war developments in an occupied, then divided, Germany, to trace the origins of the German Question" and its impact on Germany within the broader context of East-West relations in Europe. The course then seeks to analyze the changing nature of inter-German relations and the factors leading to the dramatic events of 1989/90 and to consider the implications for Germany and Europe."



POLI 120 or POLI 150 or HIST 116

POLI 341 Political Economy of Development

Examines the ways political-economic factors and relationships condition the patterns of economic development and political change. The course explores: how do economies develop? does class power, domestic and international, determine economic growth patterns and which social groups benefit? Contrasting Marxist and non-Marxist analyses are used. Contemporary and historical studies of development in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa are used.



POLI 120 or POLI 150

POLI 343 International Migration and Immigration Politics

Examination of immigration from a comparative historical and political perspective. The course explores theories of migration and its interrelation with globalization, and focuses on the sociology of immigration and integration. Beyond this comparative focus, current U.S. immigration politics and policies receive special attention.



POLI 241

POLI 344 Comparative Public Policy

Survey and comparative analysis of public policies in advanced industrial democracies, with emphasis on the U.S., Western Europe, Japan, and Canada. Special emphasis on government-business relations, labor relations, regional trading blocs, industrial planning, public ownership of economic enterprises, privatization, tax policy, and government-delivered health care systems.



POLI 120

POLI 345 Film and Politics

The course uses film to explore major aspects of political life and the cultural creation of meaning about social and political power, values, and activities. Films are studied as social and political products and to enhance understanding of political phenomena in the American and other cultures. These phenomena include social/political movements, war, law, and race, gender, and class differences and conflicts. Major feature films are used.


POLI 346 East Asian Political Economy

The course focuses on the political, social and economic institutions that have driven the economic development of these East Asian countries which are increasingly creating competitive problems for the United States. Extensive discussion of the role of government planning and group structures such as the keiretsu and chaebol. Also analyzed are the determinants and extent of the development of democratic government in Confucian societies.



POLI 120 or POLI 150

POLI 348 The European Union

Study and analysis of the politics of the European Union (EU). Topics include: theories of international organization and functional integration; the EU institutions (e.g., EU Commission, Parliament, Council of Ministers, European Council); and the treaties and substantive policies. Students may participate in a model EU at SUNY Fredonia or in Europe in alternate years.



POLI 120

POLI 349 Topics in Comparative Politics

Examination in-depth of current topics in comparative politics not falling within any other comparative politics course. May be taken more than once as topics change.



POLI 120 or POLI 150

POLI 351 The Inter-American System

Comparative course focusing on the political development of Western Hemisphere countries, encompassing North, Central, South America and the Caribbean. Examines the Americas as a continent of contrasts and similarities, sources of conflict, and the potential for cooperation in the region. Special emphasis on the political/economic relations between the United States, Mexico and South America; also explores the new role played by Canada as a conflict mediator in the continent.



POLI 150 or POLI 241

POLI 352 World Political Geography

Examination of the ways humans have arranged the territory of the Earth's surface, including how personal space, territoriality, and perception inform an understanding of politics; the analysis of countries within a geopolitical framework; case studies of how geography has impacted empires, civil divisions, and international relations; comparison of distribution of major political systems and their applications to territory.



POLI 120

POLI 353 International Law and Organization

Examination of the role of public international law in regulating relations among sovereign states. Explores the sources of international law as well as its institutions, such as international organizations and international tribunals. Includes topics such as the use of force, the conduct of war, human rights, economics and the environment.



POLI 150

POLI 354 Politics of the Middle East

Analysis of Middle East politics, society, and international conflicts. Covers the historical and cultural background of Middle East states, the rise of Arab, Israeli, and other nationalisms, and the contemporary politics and political economy of major Middle East states. Assesses three entangled dimensions of conflict: inter-Arab struggles, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the contest for influence by external powers.



POLI 120 or POLI 150

POLI 355 International Political Economy

Focuses on the dynamics of the international economy, economic policies and problems of major states, postwar international institutions, and trade and monetary systems. Considers theories and practices of the role of major powers and multinational corporations in the international economy. Interest in the dramatic changes in the division of world productive power, impact of globalization of capital and production upon the well-being of countries and outbreak of crises, and developing country struggles to change their economic relationships with the world economy. ECON 202 recommended.



ECON 201 or ECON 210

POLI 356 U.S. Foreign Policy

Analysis of U.S. foreign policy in the post-World War II period. Assesses the corporate, ideological, institutional, and strategic influences in policy-making. Studies patterns of U.S. relations with the U.S.S.R., Europe, Latin America, and the Third World up to the present in the context of the Cold War, the arms race, Third World struggles, U.S. responses to revolutionary change, and U.S. efforts to maintain a world order.



POLI 150

POLI 359 Topics in International Politics

Examination in-depth of current topic in international politics not falling within any other international politics course. May be taken more than once as topics change.



POLI 150

POLI 360 Classical Political Theory

Analytical treatment of main problems of political theory by examination of the writings of Plato and Aristotle. Discussion of contending theories of justice, equality, and political obligation.



POLI 120 or POLI 150 or POLI 276 or POLI 277

POLI 361 Modern Political Theory

Analytical treatment of main problems of political theory by examination of the writings of Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Mill, and Rawls. Discussion of contending theories of individual rights and obligations, as well as the justification and limits of the state.



POLI 120 or POLI 150 or POLI 276 or POLI 277

POLI 362 Terrorism and Counterterrorism

The course is designed to introduce students to many aspects of modern terrorism, its evolution through history and efforts to counter it. Topics will cover both theoretical and conceptual questions in studies of terrorism as well as empirical case studies of terrorism.



POLI 150

POLI 363 Game Theory

The course will use rational choice theory to analyze how individuals and groups make decisions in strategic and non-strategic situations. Strategic situations are the result of the interdependent decisions of several individuals, e.g., nuclear deterrence or business competition. Problems covered include how computers beat humans at chess to the evolution processes of society. How do group norms arise where individual competition is the usual course of action? A low level of mathematical background is required.



POLI 200 or BUAD 200 or ECON 200 or EDU 200 or POLI 200 or PSY 200 or SOC 200 or STAT 200

POLI 365 American Political Thought

Critical examination of the development of American political thought, Colonial period to the present. Discussion of questions regarding the status of rights, the limits of the state, equality, and social justice. Includes analysis of the role in American politics of such ideologies as liberalism, conservatism, communitarianism, and socialism.



POLI 120

POLI 369 Topics in Political Theory

Examination in-depth of topics in political theory not falling within any other political theory course. May be taken more than once as topics change.



POLI 120 or POLI 150 or POLI 276 or POLI 277

POLI 370 American Constitutional Law

Study of nature and limitations of judicial review and Supreme Court decisions regarding distribution of powers among national and state governments, division of powers between president and Congress, and limitations upon congressional and presidential powers.



POLI 120 or POLI 276

POLI 371 Civil Rights and Liberties

Study of judicial cases involving safeguarding of individual civil and property rights, special emphasis upon recent developments in interpretation of the due process and equal protection of the law clauses and First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.



POLI 120 or POLI 276

POLI 373 Law & Constitutional Design

Examination of the ways in which law and politics shape constitutional design across nations, including electoral rules, structures of parliaments and presidencies, modes of judicial appointments, extent of protected rights, modes of amendment, and degree of devolution to subnational states or units. Explores stresses on various constitutional systems in times of crises, and the impact on developing a stable or growing society.



(POLI 120 or POLI 150 or POLI 241 or POLI 276 or POLI 277)

POLI 375 The Judicial Branch

American courts make decisions that impact major political issues. Justices are political appointees, and their decisions often reflect the biases of the president who selected them. The course examines the political role of courts in relation to the other branches of government, and to the political system as a whole.



POLI 120

POLI 379 Topics in Public Law

Examination in-depth of topics in public law not falling within any other public law course. May be taken more than once as topics vary.



POLI 120 or POLI 150 or POLI 276 or POLI 277

POLI 380 Policy Evaluation

In-depth examination of the methods and techniques used to assess the success/failure of public policies. Students learn how to evaluate, acquiring skills that could be applied to any policy area. Topics include choice of goals, identification of measures, collection of data, interpretation of data and use of an appropriate yardstick of success. Familiarity with statistics not required. Student learning reinforced by use of several case studies of specific evaluations.



POLI 120 and POLI 210 and (POLI 200 or STAT 200)

POLI 381 Urban Politics and Policy

Investigation of the events and processes that have shaped the development and decline of U.S. cities. Topics include the evolution of cities, urban form and design, theories of urban planning, urban politics and governance, urban policy and economics, racial and socioeconomic isolation, urban unrest, and the impact of technology.



POLI 120

POLI 382 Social Welfare Policy

Examination of the politics and operation of the social welfare system in the United States. Emphasis on a policy analysis of current social welfare issues such as the Social Security crisis, welfare reform, the relationship between welfare and national economic policy, the functions of public welfare versus private charity, and the connections between direct service and social reform.



POLI 120 or SOCW 249

POLI 383 Courts and Social Policy

Examines role of the Supreme Court and other courts in the shaping of public policies in such areas as school systems in desegregation cases, mental hospitals, prisons, and nursing homes. The course will choose from current cases involving major social policy issues such as abortion, prayer in public schools, affirmative action, and capital punishment in order to illustrate the dramatic and controversial role of the courts, especially the Supreme Court, in the shaping of policies in America.



POLI 276

POLI 387 Environmental Policy

A synthesis of the political, ecological, economic, historical and cultural events and issues shaping U.S. and international environmental policy. A broad range of topics are covered, including environmental history, population growth, the global commons, environmental justice, natural hazards, nuclear growth, the role of business, and regulations governing endangered species and habitats, waste disposal, water and air.



ECON 101 or ECON 102 or (ECON 201 or ECON 210) or (ECON 202 or ECON 205) or BIOL 111 or BIOL 115 or CHEM 107 or CHEM 113 or CHEM 114 or CHEM 115 or GEO 140 or GEO 141 or GEO 142 or GEO 145 or GEO 148 or GEO 149 or GEO 160 or GEO 165 or GEO 180 or PHYS 101 or PHYS 111 or PHYS 121 or PHYS 230

POLI 389 Topics in Public Policy

Examination in-depth of topics in public policy not falling within any other public policy course. May be taken more than once as topics vary.



POLI 120 or POLI 150