MATH 100 Mathematics First-Year Seminar

The course seeks to help students utilize campus resources effectively, learn useful academic skills, especially those relevant to mathematics, develop a support network, become more self-aware, promote personal health and wellness, and better connect with the campus. The course will introduce students to the culture of the Mathematical Sciences department and the mathematics community in general. Students in the course should be concurrently enrolled in a precalculus or calculus course.


MATH 105 Precalculus

The course is designed to prepare students to take Survey of Calculus I (MATH 120) or University Calculus I (MATH 122). It emphasizes multi-step problem solving. Topics include algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and their graphs, transformations and combinations of functions, a review of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, solving inequalities and systems of equations, and computational technology. (The course is not open to students who have completed MATH 106 with a grade of C- or better, or those who have completed a calculus course.) Background assumed: N.Y.S. Integrated Algebra and Trigonometry, or equivalent.


MATH 106 University Precalculus

The course is designed to prepare students to take University Calculus (MATH 122) and emphasizes multi-step problem solving. Topics include a review of algebra, solving inequalities, algebraic and transcendental functions, trigonometry, analytic geometry, applications and computational technology. (Not open to students who have completed a calculus course with a grade of C- or better.) Background assumed: N.Y.S. Algebra II and Trigonometry (or Math B), or equivalent.


MATH 110 Mathematics in Action

Emphasizes the real-world significance of mathematics and the applications of several areas of mathematics. Some topics: design of street networks, planning and scheduling, weighted voting systems, fair division and apportionment, measuring populations and the universe, and statistics. Background assumed: N.Y.S. Algebra II and Trigonometry (or Math B), or equivalent.


MATH 112 Preparation for Calculus

Designed for students who plan to take first-semester calculus in the following semester, and want to hone their precalculus skills. The course utilizes an online system called ALEKS (Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces), an artificially-intelligent assessment and learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to determine exactly what each student knows, and then tailors a study plan to each individual student. Students work at their own pace to attain mastery of the prerequisite knowledge necessary for success in calculus. Not open to students with credit for calculus.


MATH 115 Survey of Matrix Algebra

The course surveys topics from linear algebra, including matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, linear inequalities and linear programming, determinants, linear transformations, and eigenvalues and eigenspaces. Other topics may be selected from: regression, Markov chains, and game theory. Background assumed: N.Y.S. Algebra II.


MATH 117 The Mathematical Experience

Introduces the liberal arts student to the nature of mathematics and what mathematicians do. An emphasis on presenting ideas and mathematical concepts rather than on attaining computational skills. Ideas from algebra, geometry, number theory, set theory and topology are presented with emphasis on their history and relevance to other disciplines. Background assumed: N.Y.S. Algebra II and Trigonometry (or Math B), or equivalent.


MATH 120 Survey of Calculus I

An introduction to differential and integral calculus for functions of a single variable with applications to the management, social, and life sciences. Not open to students majoring in mathematics, physics, or chemistry. Background assumed: Preparation equivalent to MATH 105 or MATH 106. Credit may not be earned for both MATH 120 and MATH 122.


MATH 121 Survey of Calculus II

A continuation of MATH 120. Review of the definite integral and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Techniques of integration, including integration by parts and partial fractions. Applications of the definite integral, including area, volume, work with probability density functions, and simple differential equations. Introduction to multivariate calculus and to curves described parametrically. Note: Students majoring in mathematics, physics, or chemistry should take MATH 123 University Calculus II instead of MATH 121.



MATH 120

MATH 122 University Calculus I

Functions, inverse functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, indeterminate forms, antiderivatives; applications to rectilinear motion, graphing, maxima-minima, related rates; computational technology. Background assumed: Preparation equivalent to MATH 105 or MATH 106. Credit will not be given for both MATH 120 and MATH 122.


MATH 123 University Calculus II

Definite integrals, the fundamental theorem of calculus, techniques of integration, applications of the definite integral in the physical sciences and geometry, improper integrals, differential equations, sequences and series. Credit will not be given for both MATH 121 and MATH 123.



MATH 122

MATH 124 Survey of Calculus III

A continuation of MATH 121. Differentiation and integration of transcendental functions, with applications to the computation of tangent lines, Taylor polynomials, area, and volume. Additional techniques of integration (trigonometric integrals and trigonometric substitution). Vector calculus, sequences and series, and multivariable calculus of transcendental functions.



MATH 121

MATH 125 Software for Mathematics

Introduction to software packages used by mathematicians. Topics selected from: computer algebra systems, spreadsheet software, and software for publishing mathematics (both in print and on the Web). Some attention is given to writing programs and macros within these systems.



MATH 122

MATH 190 Problem Solving By Invitation

Designed to engage promising mathematics students in solving problems related to calculus and its applications. Students are partitioned into small groups and given interesting and nontrivial problems to work on together. Students present solutions in class and turn in written solutions. This course is not part of the university Honors program or the department Honors program; it is by invitation only.



MATH 123*

Cross Listed Courses

* Indicates that the course can be taken in the same semester

MATH 195

Lower division independent work on a mathematical topic under the supervision of a faculty member.
