INED 400 Study Abroad

Opportunities for study abroad as arranged through the Office of International Education.


INED 401 Study Abroad - Aichi University of Education, Japan

Conveniently located along the Tokyo-Osaka corridor, Aichi University is close to Kyoto and Nara, two of Japan's most popular tourist and resort areas. The summer language and culture program is for students interested in learning Japanese and offers a unique opportunity for intensive daily language instruction and cultural excursions to places such as the Toyota Motor Co., Nagoya City and Nagoya Castle. Students live in residence halls with other international students. Meals are self catered.


INED 402 Study Abroad - American University in Bulgaria

The American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) is a highly selective private university that attracts students and faculty from all around the world. Located in the city of Blagoevgrad, AUBG is one hour from the capital of Sofia. AUBG offers an American style liberal arts education taught in English. Students interested in American Studies, Business Administration, History, International Studies, Journalism and Political Science will find the curriculum stimulating. Fredonia students share double rooms with Bulgarians.


INED 403 Study Abroad - IAU in Aix en Provence, France

Founded in 1957, the Institute for American Universities (IAU) is one of the oldest and largest education abroad programs in Europe. IAU's program offers a cross cultural environment that stimulates intellectual vigor, reflection and personal growth. Students take courses in European studies, all levels of French, and literature courses conducted in French and humanities and social science courses conducted in English. Housing is with host families.


INED 404 Study Abroad - Northumbria University, England

Newcastle Upon Tyne, a city known for its vibrant cultural life, is home to Northumbria University and nearly 30,000 students studying in 500 undergraduate and graduate programs. The very modern campus has wireless Internet throughout, single residence halls, and athletic facilities. Instruction is delivered via lectures, workshops, and tutorials The British Colloquium course, a requirement for full time visiting students, covers the history and culture of Britain and includes regular cultural excursions.


INED 405 Study Abroad - University Autonoma Benito Juarez, Mexico

Founded in 1974 as the Language Center of the Benito Juarez University of Oaxaca, it serves over 1,500 students and offers courses in Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Zapotec. The language courses are offered at six levels, from beginning to advanced, in small group settings. It has been designed to develop basic language skills and to help use language in real-life scenarios with a Mexican context. Housing is with host families to further immersion in the life and culture of Oaxaca.


INED 408 Study Abroad - Music Conservatory of Seville, Spain

The Conservatorio Superior de Musica Manuel Castillo de Sevilla, a conservatory of international stature, prepares students for the music profession. There are five distinct specialties: instrumental instruction, composition, musicology, choir conducting, and pedagogy. Although some instruction is offered in English, students will need to understand Spanish at an intermediate level to fully participate. Intensive language instruction is available at the University of Seville prior to classes beginning in the fall. Housing is with host families.


INED 409 Study Abroad - Izmir University of Economics

Founded in 2001, Izmir University of Economics offers courses in business, computer science, art and design, economics, international relations, psychology, journalism and many others that can be taken to fulfill SUNY Fredonia degree requirements. Courses are taught in English. IUE is located in the coastal city of Izmir, 200 miles from Istanbul.


INED 410 Study Abroad: SiPN: Portugal

Upper level coursework in humanities, social and natural sciences, business, and Portuguese language. Internships available.


INED 415 Study Abroad: University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

The University of Puerto Rico,also referred to as UPR-RP, is a public research university in San Juan, Puerto Rico. UPR-RP serves more than 18,000 students, 20% graduate, and grants an average of over 3,000 degrees a year. It is recognized by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as an Intensive Doctoral/Research University. Its academic offerings range from the baccalaureate to the doctoral degree, through 70 undergraduate programs and 19 graduate degrees with 71 specializations in the basic disciplines and professional fields. UPR-RP is the largest campus in terms of student population of the University of Puerto Rico System, and is the first public university in the history of Puerto Rico.


INED 416 Study Abroad: Earth Education International

Earth Education International (EEI) in Costa Rica provides interdisciplinary courses and programs related to sustainability, environmental studies and social responsibility. EEI's offerings emphasize applied learning, substantial field study experiences and in-class lectures, discussions, workshops, debates, and student presentations. Time spent outside the classroom may include field trips, educational exercises, field research, and/or other appropriate assignments. The sites serve as case studies that taken together provide a real-world context for understanding the complex regional, national and global issues associated with working toward a sustainable future.


INED 437 Study Abroad - University of the Sunshine Coast Australia

Founded in 1998, The University of the Sunshine Coast offers courses in the arts, education, humanities, business and sciences that can be taken to fulfill SUNY Fredonia degree requirements. It is located one hour north of Brisbane on the Mooloolaba coast.


INED 438 Study Abroad - UPAEP Mexico

Founded in 1973, the Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla offers courses in arts, business, education, humanities, language and sciences that can be taken to fulfill SUNY Fredonia degree requirements. While most courses are taught in Spanish, UPAEP also offers a selection of courses in English. UPAEP is located in the city of Puebla.


INED 439 Study Abroad - St. Petersburg University Russia

Founded in 1755, St. Petersburg University offers courses in the arts, education, humanities, business and sciences that can be taken to fulfill SUNY Fredonia degree requirements. Courses are offered in English and Russian. The University is located in the city of St. Petersburg, about 450 miles from Moscow.


INED 440 Study Abroad: Southwestern Univ. of Finance and Economics

SWUFE, founded in 1952, is listed as one of China's key universities for international student exchange. It features strong scholarly excellence and course work in economics, finance, accounting, management and mathematics. While all courses are taught in English, students who want to learn to speak Chinese will receive free lessons taught by the College of International Education. SWUFE is located in the Chengdu, the capital of the Sichuan Province.


INED 441 Study Abroad: University of Plymouth, England

Plymouth is a university built on a rich heritage dating back to 1862 and while it has grown in terms of size, reputation and impact, it remains true to its values of social inclusion with a strong sense of place and civic responsibility. In 2008 Plymouth was named as a top 50 research university. Courses are offered in all major areas of studies and specialized courses in areas such as marine sciences and entrepreneurial studies.


INED 442 Study Abroad: Weimar Conservatory, Germany

At the LISZT SCHOOL of Music- Weimar Conservatory students can study all orchestral instruments, piano, guitar, accordion, voice, theatre, organ, early music, composition, conducting, school music and music pedagogy. In addition, jazz and music theory, musicology and arts management are offered. The most important goal of The LISZT SCHOOL is to prepare its students for their future careers as comprehensively as possible. This means that the classical orchestral instrumentalists are not only offered private lessons and a committed orchestral school but also gain an insight into special branches such as


INED 443 Study Abroad: FLAME, India

The Foundation for Liberal and Management Education (FLAME) is located in the city of Pune, about I hour from Mumbai. FLAME focuses on broadening students' perspectives by offering students courses in a range of disciplines - from pure sciences to humanities and social sciences to performance studies. Students are free to choose between courses offered by all four FLAME schools (FSB, FSC, FSLE and FSPA). This freedom results in intellectual interactions between our PG and UG students. A post-graduate student of business, an undergraduate student of physics, a post graduate student ofjournalism, and an Gl


INED 444 Study Abroad: Umbra Institute, Italy

The Umbra Institute, founded in 1999 in Perugia, Italy, is the only year-round independent American program based in Perugia, offering semester, year-long and summer programs with a variety of academic programs and special courses. The faculty and staff strive to incorporate a genuine Italian experience into all elements of both the academic curriculum and student life. Whether they choose to pursue a curriculum taught by Umbra faculty or Direct Enrollment at one ofthe local Italian universities, Umbra students have Italian classmates and engage in the Perugia community on a daily basis for cultural and linguistic discovery.


INED 445 Study Abroad: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea

Since its founding in 1954, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) has played a significant role in reconstructing Korea after the Korean War by producing numerous CEOs and outstanding diplomats, who are competitive enough to strive forward in the global stage. HUFS teaches courses in 45 foreign languages, humanities, law, social sciences, business, and computer science, helping students to grow as global leaders, equipped with both professional knowledge and language proficiency. HUFS is located in the capital city of Seoul.


INED 446 Study Abroad: Aichi Prefectural University, Japan

Aichi Prefectural University was founded in 1947 at the end of the Second World War, when the residents of Aichi Prefecture wanted to recover from a period of confusion. In 1998, the campus was relocated from Nagoya city, where the School oflnformation Science and Technology, the School of Literature, and the School of Foreign Studies, were founded. APU's educational philosophy aims to advance globalization, social welfare, and a society of lifelong learning.


INED 447 Study Abroad: Yamasa Institute, Japan

The Yamasa Institute, noted for its excellence in Japanese language instruction and cultural immersion programs is the place where students from around the world begin to encounter the real Japan." Living with, studying with, and communicating with Japanese people is the key to understanding Japan and its people. The Yamasa Institute has been working since 1919 to improve the quality of education and real understanding across cultures.


INED 448 Study Abroad: Shih Hsin University: Taiwan

Upper level coursework in the humanities, communications, business. Introductory Chinese language.


INED 449 Study Abroad: Niigata University Japan

Niigata University offers students the chance to study Japanese language coursework, as well as social sciences and humanities in English while spending a semester or year in Japan. Niigata University is a large, public institution located in Niigata City.


INED 450 International Internship

Opportunities for international internships as arranged through the Office of International Education.


INED 451 Study Abroad - Washington, D.C.

Prior selection required.


INED 499 International - Special Topics

This is a variable content faculty-led international course. Subject is based on student and faculty interest and is arranged through the Office of International Education.
