INDS 662 Data Visualization and Presentation Techniques

The course introduces the students to the field of data visualization. Students will study basic visualization design and evaluation principles, and learn how to acquire, parse, and analyze large datasets. They will also learn techniques for visualizing multivariate, temporal, text-based, geospatial, hierarchical, and network/graph-based data in 2-, 3-, or more dimensions. In addition, they will utilize various software tools to implement these techniques.


INDS 690 Research

Capstone research experience required for the Interdisciplinary Studies degree. Research leading to, and preparation of, a final project explored in depth or a traditional master's thesis that integrates interdisciplinary course work with professional and personal goals. All work guided by a faculty mentor and coordinated by the Dean of Graduate Studies or the student's advisor. Copies of completed project/thesis must be submitted to the Graduate Office.


INDS 691 Research

Continued attention to research project or thesis for INDS 690, as needed. Requires written justification approved by the faculty mentor and submitted for the review of the Dean of Graduate Studies prior to registration.


INDS 695 Thesis/Capstone Research Continuation

Graduate students are required to remain continuously enrolled until completion of thesis/capstone work in order to allow continuing usage of university resources and to accurately account for faculty involvement.