HIST 400 Directed Study

In-depth exploration of an historical topic under the direction of a department member. Student must have instructor's approval before registering for course. Students should have specific topics in mind before approaching an instructor.


HIST 410 Mentored Research

Mentored Research is an in-depth, research-focused experience. Under the supervision and mentoring of a History faculty member, students will design and develop a research project that aligns with the faculty area of expertise. This is a reading, writing, research, and speaking intensive experience



HIST 201

HIST 440 History Study Abroad

Faculty members lead students to another country where they visit a variety of historical and cultural sites. Professors will use physical sites (museums, houses of worship, seats of power, people's plazas, residential streets and neighborhoods, among many others) as their classrooms and lecture halls. Places become the textbook and the primary sources for students to read" and interpret. History Study Abroad provides an opportunity for students to connect historical content with lived experience. Check with the History Department for information about the specific location being offered."


HIST 490 Public History Internship

Students interested in a career in public history may receive credit for an internship with an historical society, museum, archive, or other public history venue. Enrollment is to be arranged with an appropriate faculty sponsor.


HIST 491 Teaching & Learning Internship

This course is designed to engage students in the instructing process. The student will assist the instructor in the classroom and in class-related activities throughout the semester. Course work will include attendance at all scheduled classes and class activities. Additional work will vary, but may include activities such as assisting students in writing and studying activities, supervising students in library and archive activities, and helping to facilitate group discussions in class. Learning assistants will not have any role in grading or marking.


HIST 495 Capstone Seminar

The capstone course focuses on the in-depth study of an historical topic. Emphasis is on historiography, analysis of secondary literature and primary sources, and research methodology. Course is writing and speaking intensive. Format and topic varies depending on instructor.



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HIST 499 Honors Research Seminar

Focus is on historiography and research methodology through preparation of a research paper based on primary sources. By invitation only.



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