FREN 305 French for the Professions

Designed to enhance student's language skills so as to permit them to use French meaningfully in the professional world. Study of commercial vocabulary, introduction to professional correspondence and practices.



FREN 216

FREN 308 Advanced French Phonetics and Diction

Detailed study of rules of pronunciation and transcription into International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Pronunciation drills, exercises in sound discrimination and intonation.



FREN 215 or FREN 216

FREN 310 The Literature/Culture of Quebec

An exploration of Quebec's cultural uniqueness through the literature that has played a central role in defining it. The historical and political events that have influenced the development of Quebec literature and culture will also be examined. Review of separatist movement included.



FREN 216

FREN 315 French Masterpieces

An introduction to the three literary genres: fiction, theatre, and poetry, with an emphasis on poetry and fiction. Selections are from a wide variety of authors and time periods, from the Renaissance to the 20th century. Primary focus is stylistic but considerable time will also be devoted to literary movements and to French history and culture. Different types of assessment will include oral presentations by the individual student and groups, papers, quizzes, discussions, and exams which will all be in French.



FREN 216

FREN 316 French Plays and Prose

An introduction to the three literary genres: fiction, theatre, and poetry, with an emphasis on drama and fiction. Selections are from a wide variety of authors and time periods, from the Renaissance to the 20th century. Primary focus is stylistic but considerable time will also be devoted to literary movements and to French history and culture. Different types of assessment will include oral presentations by the individual student and groups, papers, quizzes, discussions, and exams which will all be in French.



FREN 216

FREN 317 French Conversation

Exercises and activities designed to promote conversations about readings, films, and/or issues in France and the French-speaking world. Ample opportunities to practice understanding and speaking French in pair and small group settings.



FREN 216 or French Lang Placement Score of an 6 or better

FREN 318 French Composition

Syntactical patterns of French, vocabulary building, translation, and free composition. Useful techniques of composition, problems of translation and questions of style discussed.



FREN 216

FREN 319 Survey of French Literature I

History of principal movements and writers, from the beginning through the 17th century, studied in light of historical and social backgrounds. Discussion and lectures in French. Student reports.



FREN 315 or FREN 316

FREN 320 Survey of French Literature II

History of principal movements and writers, from the 17th century to the present, studied in light of historical and social backgrounds. Discussion and lectures in French. Student reports.



FREN 315 or FREN 316

FREN 323 France Today

France today is a country struggling with the tensions of social and economic modernization. The subject matter, therefore, will be actual and current in an effort to understand the broad sweep of social, economic, political, and cultural changes in post-war France.



FREN 315 or FREN 316

FREN 341 Le Grand Siecle

Detailed study of 17th century French classicism, its formation, flowering. Student reports, discussions.



FREN 315 or FREN 316

FREN 351 The Enlightenment

Major works of 18th century French literature; emphasis on Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Marivaux, and Beaumarchais. Class work in French.



FREN 315 or FREN 316

FREN 361 Contemporary French Literature

Novel and theater since Proust. Emphasis on post-1940 trends: existentialism, the New Novel and Theatre of the Absurd.



FREN 315 or FREN 316

FREN 380 French Drama in Practice

Seven-week course in which students will read, study, and stage an important dramatic work of French literature. The course will end with two public performances of the work(s) studied in class.



FREN 317 and (FREN 315 or FREN 316)

FREN 381 Topics for French Conversation

Students engage in discussions and presentations on a variety of topics covering social, scientific, artistic, philosophical, psychological, religious, and political issues.



FREN 308 and FREN 317