ETHN 400 Independent Study

Intensive individual study of some aspect of multicultural studies involving a paper or project.


ETHN 402 Independent Study: African American Topics

Open only to African American Studies minors. Includes selected interdisciplinary reading, research, discussions and reports on current issues in African American Studies. Proposed independent study project must be described in the student's approved African American Studies proposal.


ETHN 403 Contemporary Issues in Latinx Studies

The capstone experience for the Latinx Studies minor. Selected interdisciplinary reading, research, discussions, and reports on current issues in Latinx Studies.


ETHN 404 Native American Capstone

The capstone experience for the Native American Studies minor. Selected interdisciplinary reading, research, discussions, and reports on current issues in Native American Studies.


ETHN 405 Issues in Multi-Ethnic Studies

The capstone experience for the Multi-Ethnic Studies minor. Selected interdisciplinary reading, research, discussions, and reports on current issues related to Multi-Ethnic Studies.


ETHN 489 Special Topics

Special Topics in Ethnic Studies that are not covered in other courses. Topics will vary by semester and instructor.


ETHN 490 Ethnic Studies Internship

Open only to African American Studies, American Indian Studies, Latino Studies, or Multiethnic Studies minors. An internship can serve as the student's capstone experience. Students proposing internships must have an approved Interdisciplinary Studies proposal which includes the internship. Additionally, they must have completed the application required by the campus Office of Internships.


ETHN 491 Social Change Capstone

Capstone seminar in which students will investigate current and contemporary issues in the field of Ethnic and Gender Studies, engage in activism on campus, and complete a research-based paper or project under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Students will also compile an e-portfolio that reflects upon their experiences as Ethnic and Gender Studies students and for use in future professional development.