ENED 502 Directed Study

This is a 1.5 credit independent experience for the graduate students to work one-on-one with a faculty member on a topic related to the student's research focusing particularly on pedagogical issues. It is equivalent to the already existing ENGL 502, Directed Study, adding the option of the ENED prefix to indicate its pedagogical specificity, for students in the program leading to professional teaching certification.



ENGL 500

ENED 530 Topics in Teaching Language

Study of various topics in language awareness in the classroom, including but not limited to the sociolinguistics and discourse analysis of classroom talk as well as ways to effectively teach grammar, style and vocabulary development. Review of recent research in the language of teaching and its applications for the classroom are also included.


ENED 535 Topics in Teaching Diversity

Study of diversity in schools and classrooms. Topics may include identities and experiences that students and families bring to schools, explorations of teacher candidates' personal biases, and pedagogical approaches that work toward equity. Content will support students as they articulate individual positions and pedagogical plans designed to promote equity and awareness of diversity.


ENED 554 Teaching Writing in the Secondary School

Study of and practice in approaches to teaching writing, with emphasis on whole language instruction. Survey of recent research in written composition and its applications in the secondary classroom.


ENED 555 Topics in Teaching Writing

Study of various topics in teaching writing, such as composition theory, pedagogical approaches to writing, assignment design, NYS secondary writing standards, and writing assessment. Content may also focus on the writing of various genres common to secondary ELA classrooms. Review of recent research in written composition and its applications for teaching is also included.


ENED 560 Seminar in English Education-Theory & Practice

Workshop designed to immerse students in the processes of teaching in the secondary school, from learning outcomes in lessons to a philosophy of teaching



ENED 561

ENED 561 Methods in English Education-Theory & Practice

Theoretical principles and practical methods for teaching English in the secondary school.



ENED 560

ENED 565

Study of components of English with emphasis chosen from linguistics, criticism, composition, media, and/or learning theories. Focus is on the implications for teaching English at the secondary level.
