ECON 200 Fundamentals of Statistics for Business Administration and Economics

An introductory study of statistical methods as applied to business and economic problems. Topics covered include: frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, probability, probability distributions, sampling distributions, estimation, statistical inference, and simple linear regression. Emphasis on the use and abuse of statistics. Note: Credit for at most one of the following courses may be applied towards a student's requirements for graduation: BUAD 200, ECON 200, EDU 200, POLI 200, SOC 200, and STAT 200.


ECON 205 Principles of Microeconomics

Study of the organization and functioning of the contemporary American economic system with emphasis on the problems of resource allocation. Topics covered include supply and demand, elasticity, price and output determination in various market situations, competition and public policy, income distribution, and alternative economic systems.


ECON 210 Principles of Macroeconomics

Study of the organization and functioning of the contemporary American economic system. Topics covered include national income, aggregate demand, aggregate supply, unemployment, inflation, money and banking, monetary and fiscal policies, and international trade and finance


ECON 250 Fundamentals of Applied Mathematical Economics

This course covers the mathematical techniques necessary for solving micro and macroeconomic problems using economic optimization. Differential and integral calculus, total and partial differentiation, linear algebra, and differential equations are covered in this course.



MATH 120