COMM 301 Group Communication

The course will study communication in the small task group emphasizing communication in decision-making and problem solving. Course instruction will review theories that explain the role of communication in group maintenance, cohesion, conflict management, leadership, socialization, and personality management. Attention will be given to the communication practices for conducting meetings, idea generation, goal setting, project analysis and group discussion formats. The goal of the course is to develop proficiency in assessing group situations by applying communication theory and practices to maximize group effectiveness, productivity, and member satisfaction.



COMM 101

COMM 302 Rhetoric and Criticism

The study of human discourse with a focus on how oral and written language is used to influence audiences in public venues such as politics, advertising, and social movements. The main goal of the course is to develop critical thinking skills using traditional and contemporary rhetorical theories and methods of analysis. Developments in rhetorical and western intellectual thought will be examined for their influence and contributions to rhetorical theory. Students will acquire skills that prepare them to be active consumers of persuasive messages and effective, ethical creators of such messages.



COMM 101 and ENGL 100

COMM 303 Health Communication

This is a Communication Studies course, and as such its goal is to familiarize students with the broader discipline of Health Communication so that they will gain a greater understanding of health and medical interactions, become more savvy health communication consumers, and be more knowledgeable in providing social support in the care of others. The course will explore the major domains within the discipline and highlight a number of different approaches to studying the subject matter. It will examine health campaigns in the interpersonal, organizational, and mass communication contexts.


COMM 307 History of Television

This course will take a look at American life in the last six decades through an analysis of the medium of television. From its origins in radio to its future in digital convergence, we will examine television as it both shapes and reflects American society. Discussions will include television genres, history, structure, technological advancements and it's impact on society and democracy.



COMM 102

COMM 308 Documentary History and Criticism

The course introduces students to the historical development and critical theories of the documentary genre. Students will be exposed to the different modes of documentary representation and the theoretical implications of each style.



COMM 155 or FILM 220

COMM 309 Film Analysis

A study of contemporary filmmakers' work in feature length films. Particular focus on production elements that create aesthetic values and reflect current times and concerns.



COMM 155

COMM 312 Multimedia Integration

Course concentrates on authoring multimedia projects which integrate graphics, animation, digital video, and audio. It combines both multimedia theory and production. Students will learn how to structure information, anticipate user experience and create transparent interfaces.



COMM 101

COMM 313 Political Communication

This course addresses U.S. politics as a communication process. It examines the communication of campaigns as well as the communication of governance at all levels. The course addresses the evolution of political communication practices throughout history and the critical the analysis of speeches, debates, ads, news, entertainment, social media and other types of political communication. The primary goals of this course are to equip students to become more critical consumers of political communication and to encourage and prepare students to become more civically engaged through the use of effective communication practices.


COMM 315 Selected Topics in Journalism

This course will focus on special areas within the field of journalism such as arts, sports, governmental affairs, investigative journalism, and science. A different topic will be offered each semester. Each student will develop a portfolio or substantial collection of work, which will be included in a class compilation that will be produced digitally for public consumption. Community engagement will be a regular and required aspect of this course.


COMM 316 Videojournalism

The focus in this class is video journalism outside the controlled environment of a studio. This course will teach students the basic principles of videojournalism, using single camera shooting techniques. Journalism students will learn how to report news and features stories, using photographs, video and audio, with the emphasis on story-telling techniques. The course will cover how to develop story ideas, reporting techniques, scripting, audio and visual digital editing, and multimedia story-telling structures. Students will work alone, as well as in groups.



COMM 254

COMM 317 Production Management

The focus in this class is for each student to grasp the production process; from the end of development to post production. This course will teach students the basic principles and skills of management and coordination in: budgeting, scheduling, cost tracking, evaluating, interviewing, people managing, legal clearances, tracking essential production documentation, including script formatting and revisions.



COMM 254

COMM 318 Directing

The focus in this class is an in-depth look at the director's world in narrative film. Special attention will be upon the role of the director regarding on-camera talent, camera work and lighting. The course will allow students to explore the director's role, responsibilities, and methods of working in all phases of pre production, production, and postproduction, including but not limited to finance and budgeting, cast and crew and all types of production equipment and software.



COMM 254


Extracurricular participation as a manager on the elected board of directors of the university's radio stations, television station, Applied Communication Association, or Public Relations Student Society of America.


COMM 321 Environmental Communication

Environmental Communication investigates communication about the environment, focusing on ways that organizations, corporations, politicians, advocacy leaders, scientists, citizens, and so on describe, persuade, and shape human interactions with the environment. Students study foundational environmental communication theories, worldviews, and processes, examining how these influence speakers' & listeners'-producers' & consumers'-attitudes and actions toward the natural world. In our current cultural setting, it is crucial that citizens are able to assess competing claims and appeals about the environment; consequently, students will learn to become more critical producers and consumers of a broad range of environmental discourses.


COMM 322 Public Relations Writing

Students learn basic research and planning principles associated with public relations writing and how to prepare an assortment of public relations documents. Associated Press (AP) style is reinforced and students learn how to construct news releases, media advisories, fact sheets, position statements, features and fliers. Students will begin portfolio building.



COMM 222

COMM 323 Research Methods

Study of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to inquiry and their applications in theoretical and applied communication research. Emphasis will be effective quantitative survey construction and basic summary statistical analysis, and qualitative interview and coding analysis. These will be applied to evaluating communication practices and assessing communication needs.



COMM 101

COMM 330 Fake News! Media Literacy and Mis/Disinformation in a Democratic Society

Fake news, mis- and dis-information, and the abundance of heavily biased opinion that passes for news have been increasingly shared through social networks and amplified by a swelling number of explicitly partisan news outlets. These span the range of political viewpoints as well as topics from health news to environmental concerns, and distort or negate evidence-based information, creating confusion among consumers. Reliable information is the foundation of an effective democracy, yet many people find it progressively more difficult to differentiate, for instance, reliable journalism from misleading propaganda, resulting in many people doubting everything branded as news." This course will address each of these concerns. With the proliferation of information available to and frequently actively targeting each of us, media consumers (iow, all of us: students, teachers, politicians, voters, business leaders, etc.) have a greater role in and responsibility for consuming, sharing, and otherwise using information and data ethically.


COMM 332 Critical Analysis of Journalism

Introduces students to terms, issues and debates in contemporary media theory. Students will read theoretical texts exploring, for example, the nature of truth, the rise of objectivity, and ambiguity of signs (language, image, sound). The relationship of U.S. journalism to global media will also be a focus in the course, allowing students to understand the functions of critique in contemporary journalism. Additional topics include an exploration of alternative journalism practices in the U.S. and globally such as the impact of the community and public journalism movements, the role of the feminist and ethical press, and the impact of the Internet.



COMM 120 or COMM 130

COMM 336 Introduction to Business Communication

The highly practical course focuses on the critical communication skills involved in effective written and oral communication while emphasizing applications of communication concepts in the world of business. Students will be able to engage in application exercises that will prepare them for the job search as well as their first years on the job, build their creative and critical thinking skills, and explore the value of team diversity


COMM 340 Digital Audio Production

Students in this class will continue to master dominant Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software platforms in order to produce audio productions both standalone and synced to video scenes. Students should leave the course able to function at audio industry entry level wherever these dominant DAW platforms are utilized.



COMM 251

COMM 342 Presidential Campaign Communication

This course offers an in-depth understanding of the when, where, why, and how communication affects candidates, media, and voter strategies and outcomes during presidential elections. In an effort to paint a comprehensive picture of presidential campaigns in the modern era, course content asks students to investigate the evolution of a presidential candidate's communication environment, resources, and strategies. Students apply practitioner and academic literature to understand real time political processes. Students also utilize examples from past presidential elections to illustrate a variety of lessons related to launching candidacies, attacking opponents, cultivating ads, and image creation among other topics. In the process, students create descriptive accounts of campaigns and candidates and their media use and seek to infer campaign strategy



COMM 101

COMM 344 Public Relations Case Analysis

Analysis of classic and contemporary public relations cases in industry, labor, education, government, social welfare and trade associations.



COMM 222

COMM 345 Broadcast Writing and Presentation

This course will help students develop their broadcast journalism skills with an emphasis on scriptwriting/producing and on-camera presentation. Students will learn to write for broadcast news and also how to do stand-ups, report and anchor for newscasts



COMM 230 and COMM 231

COMM 346 Editing and Design

This course emphasizes editing skills, including copy editing, content editing, and page design. Students will learn to use professional-level software to create publications (both print and online) from scratch, developing photo editing, graphics creation, and design skills as well as line editing.


COMM 347 Social Media Practicum

This course emphasizes effective use of social media, particularly in journalistic arenas. Students create and design their own content and use social media to engage an audience. Students will learn social media concepts and study analytics, applying them to their work in the class


COMM 350 Media Technology

Examination of the historical, technical, economic and regulatory status of communications technologies such as cable television, satellites, telephone, and computer communications. Discussion of general communication systems theory of video, audio and data communication including analog and digital signal transmission.



COMM 102

COMM 351 Audio Production II

Refining skills and techniques acquired in COMM 251; more emphasis on announcing and interviewing; understanding the ethical and legal perspectives of audio material; introduction to the design, scripting, production and promotion of audio content for any application (e.g. radio, TV, film, web).



COMM 251

COMM 358 Television News

Electronic news gathering and studio news techniques in the context of a weekly news program. Legal and ethical issues in news gathering.



(COMM 255 and COMM 254) or COMM 354

COMM 359 Special Topics in Communication

A 300-level course focusing on a topic not covered in the existing curriculum. Topic(s) announced in online Course Offerings each semester.


COMM 361 Screenwriting

This course is designed to teach students the skills and techniques of writing for the screen; also known as screenplays. The basics of dramatic storytelling, screenplay structure and format, scene setting, character development, and dialogue, allows students to understand and develop the skill set for writing screenplays. Students' work culminates in a final script that will be put forward for optioning by the Fiction Capstone class.



COMM 254

COMM 362 Nonverbal Communication

This course explores the ways we communicate without using words, including our gestures, facial expressions, posture, and even our physical appearance. We will especially focus on how to read nonverbal cues from others and how to become more aware of what you are really saying with your own nonverbal cues. These skills are applicable anywhere from the job interview and work environment to interpersonal relationships.



COMM 101

COMM 365 Communication and Leadership

Communication and Leadership is designed to develop students' knowledge and communication skills pertaining to leadership. The course presents students with information concerning professional interaction, leadership perspectives, and the role communication, particularly public speaking, plays in effective leadership strategies. Communication and Leadership will help students embark on paths of personal leadership development. Specifically, since effective leaders must be strong communicators, students will be introduced to speaking situations that they may encounter in the workplace, such as the speech of introduction, crisis speeches, technical briefings, and civic appeals. In an effort to develop these skills, students will learn how to tailor messages to different audiences, connect authentically with their audience through their unique leadership style, and create compelling presentations and written pieces.



COMM 105

COMM 366 Postproduction

A balance between editing concepts such as continuity, pacing, dramatic focus, etc. and editing skills such as SMPTE code, signal monitoring, and digitized non-linear techniques. Students will learn the rules and methods by which an editor constructs fiction or a representation of actual events. Applicable to video or digital film. Weekly editing assignments. Lab required.



COMM 254 or COMM 354

COMM 368 Video Camera and Lighting Techniques

A course that covers knowledge, methods and techniques essential to the work of a director of photography. Covers concepts of directing the camera, visual techniques, compositional methods and technical aspects of videography and lighting.



COMM 254 or COMM 354

COMM 373 Gender and Communication

Using a variety of theoretical models and critical approaches, students examine everyday communication practices to identify how gender, communication and culture create a complex and dynamic web of meaning with significant implications for individuals and society.



COMM 101 or WOST 201

COMM 375 Mass Media Theory

The course will examine the historical context of media theory covering the emergence of United States media technology, economics, cultural implications, and political influences to provide a basis for examining the evolution of media theories. Emphasis will be placed on mass media theories and address their implications to the media industry, the influences on American society and culture, and the evolution of democratic institutions. The course will be taught as a seminar involving readings, group discussions, and a research report.



COMM 102

COMM 379 Persuasion

Examination of a wide body of humanistic, and social scientific literature concerning persuasion and persuasive techniques. Emphasizes evaluation and potential application of persuasion theory in communicative transactions.



COMM 101

COMM 385 International Media

An introduction to the study of international and domestic media systems around the world. Students will understand and appreciate how different countries and cultures use the media in unique ways and learn of different systems of ownership, financing, regulation, and programming. Key international media issues will also be discussed. Media examples (primarily films) will be used to show how cultures are portrayed by their media.



ENGL 100

COMM 386 International Films

Students will view, discuss, and critique a variety of contemporary films from a variety of countries. Emphasis will be placed on examining how contemporary cultures are portrayed through film. Films will be compared and contrasted.


COMM 387 Screendance I

This course will explore the unique challenges of capturing and creating dance for camera. Through class screenings of film and video work, class exercises, reading and discussion, students will learn about various historical and contemporary issues and approaches in combining dance and the moving image. Students will work alone and in small collaborative groups to create their own works integrating dance and video. At the end of the course, students should be able to articulate meaning in dance on film or video, discuss, analyze, and critique both student projects and professional dance screen works. Through creative projects, students will develop their own visual style and an increased proficiency with digital video cameras and editing. The Department of Theatre and Dance and the Department of Communication will not support technical requests for any of the video projects in the form of studio/performance space, props, costumes, scenery or lighting, or equipment.



COMM 155 and (DANC 111 or DANC 113 or DANC 241)

COMM 388 Screendance II

This course will build upon the editing and camera skills, and creative research acquired in 387 Screendance I, (prerequisite), this course challenges the student to propose three projects ranging from work for the screen, work for gallery or installation, and work from integration into live performance. In collaboration with a faculty advisor and chosen venue, the student will then select one proposed project for completion and final production. Student(s) will be strongly encouraged to submit work(s) to festivals and/or present finished work(s) to audiences in innovative formats. The Department of Theatre and Dance and the Department of Communication will not support technical requests for any of the video projects in the form of studio/performance space, props, costumes, scenery or lighting, or equipment.



(COMM 387 or DANC 387) and COMM 155 and COMM 254

COMM 395 Radio News and Podcasting

Theory and practice of radio journalism including writing and reporting news and journalism law and ethics. Students produce weekly radio newscasts duringthe second half of the semester.



COMM 351 or COMM 230 or COMM 231