CHEM 405 Industrial Chemistry

Application of chemical principles to chemical and environmental processes. Topics include mass and energy balances over complex systems, reaction kinetics and thermodynamics, combustion, behavior of real gases, and waste minimization. Directed toward students with career interests in industry and/or chemical or environmental engineering.



CHEM 315

CHEM 407 Organometallics

Introduction to the chemistry of transition metal organometallics. Descriptions of the bonding, synthesis, structures, and reactions of major classes of organometallic compounds, as well as their role in organic synthesis and catalysis.



CHEM 216

CHEM 412 Advanced Organic Chemistry

The discussion of certain types of reactions for the synthesis of compounds having significance to organic or bioorganic chemistry. Examples include addition/elimination; oxidation/reduction; free radical; carbanionic; pericyclic; and other types of reactions.



CHEM 215 and CHEM 216

CHEM 413 Applied Spectroscopy

Detailed studies of the use of modern instrumental methods for the analysis of organic, inorganic, and biochemical samples. Emphasis on nuclear magnetic resonance, mass, infrared, and electronic spectroscopies.



CHEM 216

CHEM 414 Medicinal Organic Chemistry

The course introduces students to the drug discovery and development process with a focus on how organic chemistry is involved in that process. Students learn how drugs are developed and targeted towards different receptors/enzymes and how they interact with those receptors/enzymes. In addition, students learn about drug metabolism and time is spent focusing more closely on specific classes of drugs such as anticancer, antibacterial and antiviral agents.



CHEM 215 and CHEM 216

CHEM 417 Polymer Chemistry

An overview of polymers, with an emphasis on their chemistry, properties, and significance. Focus on the synthesis, characterization, and fabrication, and physical chemistry of polymers.



CHEM 216 and CHEM 315

CHEM 462 Inorganic Chemistry

Topics include introduction to molecular symmetry and group theory. Discussions of electronic structure of atoms and their periodic properties followed by detailed considerations of ionic and covalent bonding. Acid-base theories presented in addition to general chemistry of the elements with emphasis on transition metals. Introduction to organometallic chemistry and bio-inorganic chemistry included.



CHEM 315

CHEM 465 Advanced Experimental Biochemistry

State-of-the art biochemical and molecular techniques are taught within the hands-on, laboratory-based course. Potential topics include the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), oligonucleotide synthesis, DNA/protein sequencing and analysis (BLAST, DNASIS), pulse-field gel electrophoresis, gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), immunochemistry, and/or other contemporary techniques. Minimum of 2 credits of this course.



BIOL 334 or CHEM 334

CHEM 472 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

Laboratory studies of inorganic and organometallic compounds and ions. Synthetic experiments require inert atmosphere (vacuum line, dry box, and Schlenk) techniques; characterization by spectral, solid-state, and electrochemical methods. One laboratory period per week.



CHEM 315 and CHEM 325

CHEM 473 Environmental Aquatic Chemistry

Explores the interrelationships of chemistry within the aquatic environment. Topics will include (1) energy flow and transformations, (2) chemical cycles in the environment, (3) fate and transport of chemical in surface and subsurface water, soil, and air, (4) aquatic chemistry, including the carbon dioxide cycle, precipitation reactions, complexation reactions, and redox chemistry, (5) phase interactions, (6) aquatic microbial biochemistry, (7) water pollution, and (8) water treatment.



CHEM 215

CHEM 474 Environmental Atmospheric Chemistry

Introduces the chemistry occurring within both natural and polluted atmospheres, with an emphasis on fundamental principles. Topics include: gas-phase chemistry, aerosol formation and heterogeneous chemistry, meteorology, and current environmental issues (ozone holes, global warming, etc.). Class activities will include discussions of technical papers drawn from contemporary scientific literature and simulations of environmental problems through computer models.



CHEM 215

CHEM 475 Advanced Biochemistry

A continuation of BIOL 333, the course explores biochemical concepts and pathways with an emphasis on problem solving. Cellular control and coordination of biochemical pathways is emphasized in light of an advanced understanding of protein biochemistry. Lecture only.



BIOL 333 or CHEM 333

CHEM 481 Special Topics in Chemistry

Topics of special or current interest offered periodically.


CHEM 490 Independent Study

Topics of special interest. Non-laboratory workin association with faculty supervisor. May require course prerequisites as determined by instructor.


CHEM 491 Independent Laboratory Research

For students having senior standing. Study and research areas include analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, and polymer chemistry. Prerequisites depend upon areas of study and research.


CHEM 492 Independent Laboratory Research

For students having senior standing. Study and research areas include analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, and polymer chemistry. Prerequisites depend upon areas of study and research.


CHEM 495 Seminar: Advances in Chemistry

Topics of current research interest; presentations by seniors, graduate students, faculty, and visitors. Every student is required to present one seminar during one of the two semesters. Emphasis on detailed knowledge of subject matter, techniques for searching the professional literature, and procedures for the preparation and presentation of a professional seminar. Majors only.



CHEM 216

CHEM 496 Seminar: Advances in Chemistry

Topics of current research interest; presentations by seniors, graduate students, faculty, and visitors. Every student is required to present one seminar during one of the two semesters. Emphasis on detailed knowledge of subject matter, techniques for searching the professional literature and procedures for the preparation and presentation of a professional seminar. Majors only



CHEM 216

CHEM 497 Biochemistry Seminar II

Students prepare oral presentations based on an assessment of current biochemical research papers. The course will help students to further develop critical reading and scientific communication skills. Faculty from both biology and chemistry participate in the seminar.


CHEM 499 Senior Thesis

Preparation of an extensive written account of the student's original laboratory research including an in-depth literature survey, background discussion, presentation of data and results, and conclusions. Open to majors only.