CDS 500 Child Language Disorders

This course examines the development, and assessment of language in infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school age children; including an introduction in language intervention.


CDS 501 Professional Seminar

The student will gain knowledge of and experience with current clinical approaches, strategies, new regulations and writing skills. Each fall semester the course will address content identified from assessment data collected from students and supervisors in the spring and summer semesters.


CDS 502 Clinical Practice, Communication Disorders

An application of the student's knowledge from the classroom to a clinical situation. Students are assigned to speech-language assessment and therapy sessions on a rotation basis at the university clinic and local off campus clinics, under the supervision of an ASHA certified speech-language pathologist. Attendance at periodic staff meetings required. Completion of minimal three sections of CDS 502 are required.


CDS 510 Pediatric Audiology

An introduction to pediatric parameters as they relate to clinical audiology. Study and performance of audiology as applied in pediatric, clinical environments. Emphasis of theoretical and applied research to differentiate normal from abnormal pediatric audition.


CDS 520 Multicultural Issues in Communication Disorders

Attempts to prepare the speech/language pathologist to fairly and effectively understand cultural constraints involved in communication disorders, to learn culturally sensitive diagnostic procedures and to determine therapeutic techniques that are consistent with minority populations and their beliefs and values about communication.


CDS 525 Speech and Hearing Problems in the Classroom

Methods to assist classroom teacher to improve speech habits and correct minor defects. Recognition of speech defects, cooperation with speech pathologist, medical personnel, and family. Demonstration and lectures of classroom management of speech and hearing problems. Not open to majors in Speech-Language Pathology.


CDS 530 Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Assessment and therapy techniques for augmentative/alternative communication (AAC). Overview of diagnoses that often require AAC. Assessment and therapy considerations for motoric, linguistic, cognitive and sensory skills and for communicative, language and literacy needs in context. Specific high and low tech systems will be explored.


CDS 540 Diagnostic Theories and Practices

A study of assessment models, strategies, and rationales employed in speech-language pathology and audiology. An application of student's knowledge base to the assessment process.


CDS 551 Neuroscience for Communication Disorders

An introduction to neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and neuropathology of speech, language, swallowing, and hearing will be presented via lectures, discussions, videos, and CD-ROMs. The course will provide students with a solid foundation for further course work, as well as for clinical practice with neurologically-impaired populations.


CDS 552 Medical Speech-Language Pathology

The roles, responsibilities, and essential skills of speech-language pathologists employed in medical settings will be presented via lectures, discussions, videos, CD-ROMs, and in-class activities. Topics covered will include medical settings and personnel, medical examination, neurological assessment, imaging studies, speech-language assessment, tracheotomy and ventilator-dependent patients, and head/neck cancer.



CDS 598

CDS 554 Early Intervention

An in-depth review of recommended practices in assessment and treatment for the birth to 3 year-old population and the role of the speech-language pathologist as a team member. The student will gain experience with approaches and strategies to be utilized in the neonatal unit, the home and other natural environments.


CDS 555 Dysphagia

This course will cover the assessment, treatment, and prevention strategies for swallowing disorders (dysphagia) in the pediatric and adult populations.


CDS 556 Corporate Speech Pathology

Roles, responsibilities, and essential skills of corporate speech-language pathologists will be presented via lectures, discussions, demonstrations, videos, CD-ROMs, in-class activities. Topics covered will include starting a practice, essential business vocabulary, traditional speech-language pathology in corporate settings, marketing plans, billing and paperwork, essential equipment, cross-cultural communication, diagnostics in corporate settings, corporate speech training, pronunciation training, and accent reduction.


CDS 557 Counseling for the Speech Language Pathologist

Examines principles and theories of counseling for working with persons with communication disorders and their families throughout the lifespan and from varied cultural backgrounds. Students will learn how to structure and conduct interviewing and counseling, as practiced by speech language pathologists. Emphasis is placed on helping students to gain comfort and skill in coping with their clients' emotions and giving clients constructive feedback. Students demonstrate their understanding of the counseling process through case study presentations.


CDS 558 Seminar: Traumatic Brain Injury

The study of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is an important area of focus with significant differences to other neurological communication disorders. It is a seminar course with focus on assessment and remediation of language and cognitive problems for children and adults with TBI.


CDS 560 Studies in Hearing Research

Advanced study of acoustics, anatomy and physiology, and pathology of auditory system. Study of classic, historical, and contemporary theoretical and applied research germane to the basis and development of audiology. Emphasis of reported research to differentiate normal from abnormal audition.


CDS 565 Instrumentation in Communicative Disorders

The course will focus on the application of instrumentation in the assessment and treatment of various communicative disorders. Appropriate measurement technique and interpretation of results will be covered. Focus on hands-on" experience with current instrumentation and software will be emphasized."


CDS 570 Contemporary Issues with the Hearing Impaired

The course will assess contemporary issues related to testing, evaluating and resolving educational and social issues with hearing-impaired children and adults. Field experiences, guest speakers, selected video tapes and other varied course strategies will, where appropriate, be used in the course.


CDS 575 Craniofacial Anomalies

Etiology, symptomatology and management of communication disorders related to cleft lip, cleft palate and associated disorders. Focus on interdisciplinary management.


CDS 582 Fluency Disorders

Indentifying aspects of fluent speech, normally nonfluent speech and disfluent speech. Discussion and application of parameters addressing the nature, characteristics, prevention, etiology, treatment, and contributing factors of stuttering. Addresses both the physiological and psychological aspects of stuttering.


CDS 583 Speech Sound Disorders and Language Intervention

This course is a continuation of CDS 500 Child Language Disorders. The course is divided into two modules: Speech Sound Disorders and Language Intervention. The Speech Sound Disorders module covers assessment and intervention of phonological and articulation disorders. The language intervention module will explore the various approaches to language intervention and evidence base practice.



CDS 500

CDS 584 Speech Sound Disorders and Language Intervention

The course is divided in two modules: Speech Sound Disorders and Language Intervention. The Speech Sound Disorders module includes the assessment and intervention of phonological and articulation disorders. The language intervention module includes various approaches to language intervention and evidence base practice.


CDS 585 Auditory Processing Disorders

Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) is a specialty area that remains novel to most professionals and students in speech pathology and audiology. The course will illustrate how APDs impact the accurate perception of auditory information, and reading/language skills. Course materials include the neurology of central auditory nervous system, definitions/etiologies of APD, evaluation and remediation strategies, and how coexisting disorders such as Attention, Learning and Language Disorders may influence an individual's auditory processing abilities.


CDS 589 Professional Issues

The course is aimed at preparing graduate students to understand factors that influence professional practice, including government and economic, professional delivery, setting-specific, and quality service. Standards of ethical conduct, certification, specialty recognition, licensure, and other relevant professional credentials are covered.


CDS 595 Graduate Seminar in Speech

Detailed study of selected graduate topics in speech pathology and audiology. Content will change from semester to semester but will focus on a relatively narrow topic or issue of current interest.


CDS 598 Voice Disorders

Course will cover assessment and treatment strategies for benign, malignant and neurogenic vocal pathologies. Case study format will be emphasized.


CDS 599 Experimental Phonetics

Measurement, description, and analysis of speech, its production and perception. Students become familiar with sound spectrograph as well as other research instrumentation typically employed in research. Designed for students in speech pathology and audiology, and linguistics.