ARTH 440 Visual Culture

An in-depth examination of 20th and 21st century visual culture and related concepts and theories. The specific period and thematic emphasis of this art history course may vary and include the study of one or more artistic forms such as painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, film, and design.



ART 116 or ART 221 or ARTH 102 or ARTH 225

ARTH 460 Gallery Practicum

The course allows the student firsthand knowledge of the duties involved in operating a gallery. Such duties may include but are not limited to assisting the director in picking a schedule, contacting artists, creating the advertising and mounting the exhibitions. Students may only enroll with instructor's permission.


ARTH 490 Learning Assistant - Art History

This course is designed for students to become familiar with the instructing process. The student will assist the instructor of an art history course in the classroom throughout the semester. Course work includes attendance at all scheduled classes for the course, assisting students during lab or study sessions as well as taking an active role in classroom critiques, discussions and studio maintenance. Permission of the instructor of the accompanying course is required.


ARTH 494 Directed Study: Art History

Directed research in specific areas of art history, stressing depth of inquiry. Subject of study chosen in consultation with department, and students may only enroll with instructor's permission.


ARTH 495 Independent Study: Art History

Independent research in specific areas of art history, stressing depth of inquiry and development of topic. Subject of study chosen in consultation with department, and students may only enroll with instructor's permission.


ARTH 497 Research Practicum in Art History

Students work with Art History scholars and/or faculty to assist with on going research projects. Students gain valuable research skills along with insights into the academic professions. Art History majors only and students may enroll with instructor's permission.



(ARTH 101 and ARTH 102) or (ART 115 and ART 116)

ARTH 499 Internship

The course allows the student to receive credit for professional experiences related to some aspect of their field of study. Enrollment is to be arranged with an appropriate instructor, by permission only.
