ACCT 301 Intermediate Accounting I

An in-depth study of the theory and application of generally accepted accounting principles. Emphasis is given to the environment of financial accounting including the standard setting process and the conceptual framework. Specific topics include the time value of money, receivables, inventories, long-term assets, and current liabilities, intangibles, and contingencies.



ACCT 201 and ACCT 202

ACCT 302 Intermediate Accounting II

A challenging course including the rigorous study of theory and application of generally accepted accounting principles to complex accounting topics including stockholders' equity, revenue recognition, earnings per share, pensions, leases, accounting for taxes, accounting changes and error analysis, and cash flows.



ACCT 301

ACCT 303 Cost Management

A study of the concepts and techniques of management and cost accounting including cost-volume-profit analysis, various product costing methods, cost behavior and allocation, and other internal accounting information needs for management decision-making. Computer software is used in solving application problems.



ACCT 201 and ACCT 202

ACCT 304 Taxation I

An in-depth study of U.S. taxation of individuals including tax policy considerations and the historical development of tax law. The provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and related regulations will be used extensively.



ACCT 201 and ACCT 202

ACCT 305 Taxation II

An in-depth discussion of federal income taxation of multi-national corporations and partnerships. Tax issues connected to formation, operation, distributions, and liquidation will be examined. Other topics discussed include: special tax assessments like the alternative minimum tax, the personal holding company tax, and the accumulated earnings tax, S corporations, taxation of international transactions, and tax research.



ACCT 304

ACCT 307 Accounting Information Systems I

The course examines the relationship between economic events and the accounting view of those events. It emphasizes business processes, double-entry bookkeeping, and computer-based accounting information systems. Note: Students must earn a minimum C- grade in the prerequisite course, ACCT 202.



ACCT 201 and ACCT 202 and (CSIT 104 or CSIT 151)

ACCT 311 Business Law I

A general study of the functions and procedures of law. Included will be a detailed analysis of legal principles governing contracts, torts, agency and business organizations. The course represents the first half of the Business Law sequence. It is designed to provide accounting students with the required knowledge and theory for the CPA examination, by paying particular attention to practical business law problems involving the application of legal principles.



ACCT 201

ACCT 312 Business Law II

A continuation of the study of law begun in ACCT 311. Topics covered include Uniform Commercial Code subjects such as commercial paper, secured transactions, and sales, and other areas of law including bankruptcy, debtor/creditor relations, product liability, estate and trust law, and property, accountant liability and international law. Continuing attention is given to particular issues involving application of the principles discussed.



ACCT 311