Judicial Board Hearing

The University Judicial Board is comprised of University faculty, staff, and student members. Board members are appointed for a term of one year. From the pool of members, the Judicial Board that would hear a case is comprised of at least five members. The Judicial Board hears the case, weighs the evidence and testimony of the accused, complainant, and of witnesses, determines a finding of responsible or not responsible of the accused student and notifies the Vice President of Student Affairs of the finding. An appropriate sanction will be determined if the accused student is found responsible. The accused student will be determined responsible or not responsible by the preponderance of the evidence. Preponderance of the evidence means evidence that would lead a reasonable person to conclude that it is more likely than not that the act in question did occur and/or that the accusations are true. To proceed with a hearing, a minimum of five Judicial Board members must be present. If less than five Judicial Board members are present, the accused student must agree in writing in order to proceed with the hearing.