Psychology Faculty

CATHERINE E. CREELEY, Associate Professor

University of Missouri - St. Louis, Ph.D.

JACK S. CROXTON, Distinguished Service Professor

Miami University, Ph.D.

The State University Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service

President’s Award for Excellence, 1991

LISA DENTON, Associate Professor

Indiana University, Ph.D.

CHERYL E. DROUT, Distinguished Service Professor

University of Delaware, Ph.D.

President's Award for Excellence, 2012

The State University Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service

State University of New York at Buffalo, Ph.D.

J. ANDY KARAFA, Professor
Kansas State University, Ph.D. 


Fordham University, Ph.D. 

THUY KARAFA, Lecturer 
Kansas State University, M.S.
University of Kansas, M.A. 

JOSEPH P. McFALL, Associate Professor

West Virginia University, Ph.D.

DANI M. McMAY, Associate Professor

University of South Florida, Ph.D.

DARRIN L. ROGERS, Associate Professor

Ohio State University, Ph.D.

ANDREA A. ZEVENBERGEN, Distinguished Teaching Professor

Stony Brook University, The State University of New York, Ph.D.

President's Award for Excellence, 2014