United States Department of Interior - Bureau of Indian Education (BIE)

Application Procedures

Application forms are available from the Education Office of the tribe in which you are affiliated or possess membership, and the Bureau of Indian Education. An application is required for each year of study. An official needs analysis is also required (obtained from your Education office of the tribe). This analysis is provided after the student completes the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Each first-time applicant must obtain tribal enrollment certification from the bureau agency which records enrollment for the tribe.

Selection of Recipients and Allocation of Awards

The applicant must:

  1. be a member of, or at least one-quarter degree Indian blood descendant of a member of an American Indian tribe which is eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States through the Bureau of Indian Education;
  2. be accepted for admission to a nationally accredited institution of higher learning which provides a course of study conferring an associate or bachelor’s degree; and
  3. demonstrate financial need.

Responsibilities of Recipients

For subsequent grants, the applicant must make satisfactory progress towards a degree and demonstrate financial need. Depending on the availability of funds, grants may also be made to graduate students and summer session students. Eligible married students may also receive living expenses for dependents.

For additional information about any aspect of expenses or financial aid, please refer to the Financial Literacy Guide.