Course Repeat Policy

A student may repeat a course and have the prior grade(s) excluded from the calculation of their cumulative quality point average if the course is an exact equivalent (subject and course number) of the previous course taken. A course originally taken for a grade cannot be re-taken on a pass-fail basis.

A student who wishes to repeat a course at another college and have the grade excluded for a course already taken at Fredonia must secure prior approval from the chairperson of his or her major program (or department of advisement) and have the chairperson certify that the course to be taken is the equivalent of the course the student wishes to repeat. For this option, transfer credit is accepted only if the student earns a “C” or better for the course being repeated and transferred. In that case, the credit (not the grade) will be noted on the transcript. The option of using transfer credit for course repeat may not be utilized by students who have been academically dismissed, unless the student is reinstated and completes courses leading to a degree program at Fredonia.

When courses are repeated, the prior grade(s) will remain on the transcript, but an "E" will appear to the right of the prior grade(s) earned, indicating that this grade is excluded from the grade point average calculation.