Student Engagement & Inclusion

Student Engagement & Inclusion
Khristian King, Executive Director, Student Engagement & Inclusion
Office: S227 Williams Center
(716) 673-3398

The Department of Student Engagement & Inclusion (SEI) provides pathways for student involvement through activities and social opportunities that enhance leadership skills, reinforce responsible citizenship, and an appreciation for diversity.  Students have opportunities to join student clubs, participate in volunteer and community service, leadership experiences and learn about themselves through their living and learning environment.

The role of our department is

  • To advocate for the needs of students
  • To assist students in navigating the many layers of university services
  • To encourage students to be responsible citizens in a Global society
  • To promote and encourage a diverse and socially responsible learning community

The Department of Student Engagement & Inclusion consists of the following units:

  • Campus Life 
    • Student Association
  • Intercultural Center
    • Volunteer & Community Services
    • Multicultural Support Services
    • Veteran & Military Affiliated Students

Departmental Units’ Descriptions

Campus Life
Through a broad array of programs and services, Campus Life supports student success and involvement by providing leadership, campus/community engagement and student activities. For more information regarding Campus Life, students should contact the Campus Life Office at (716) 673-3143 or email

  • Student Association 
    The mission of the Student Association is to promote the general welfare of the students of SUNY Fredonia, enhance student life on campus, and represent the interests of the student body as Fredonia’s student government.
    Central to this effort is the following: Distributing the funds generated from the Student Activity Fee; Enhancing the campus community intellectually, socially and culturally through the funding and development of student organizations; Providing important services for students not otherwise maintained by the university; Representing students to the administration and all other external agencies when necessary; Defending students from unfair policies both on and off-campus; Providing students with an open forum for discussion of all topics.

Intercultural Center

The Intercultural Center (IC) serves a hub for inclusive programming and collaborates with various campus & community stakeholders, to provide programming and support. The IC is housed under the Department of Student Engagement & Inclusion and primarily supported by the following offices:

  • Multicultural Support Services 
  • Veteran & Military Affiliated Students
  • Volunteer & Community Services.


The IC maintains two scholarship programs: Keeper of the Dream Scholarship and the Rosa Parks Scholarship Competition. Keeper of the Dream scholarships are awarded competitively to entering first-year students based on high school achievement, community service and a demonstrated commitment to multiculturalism. Recipients are expected to demonstrate personal leadership and commitment to cultural pluralism and cross cultural dialogue while on campus.

The Rosa Parks Scholarship Competition was established in 1989 by Dr. Vivian Garcia, the Rosa Parks Scholarship was designed to give all students of The State University of New York at Fredonia an opportunity to voice their opinion on the subjects of social injustice, cultural perspective, and activism.

Multicultural Support Services

The Office of Multicultural Support Services (MSS) is a unit within the Intercultural Center.  MSS engages in peer interactions in order to gain a better understanding and appreciation for diversity, inclusion, and social justice, while providing meaningful support to assist students in their transition (to Fredonia), retention (at Fredonia), and graduation (from Fredonia.) 

Veterans and Military Affiliated Students

Fredonia takes pride in serving the men and women in uniform and assisting them in their educational goals. Located on the main floor of Nixon Hall, the Office of Veterans Affairs provides information, advice and processes the paperwork for the certification of veterans educational benefits. The office is staffed by part-time student veteran employees under the supervision of the Office of Veterans Affairs Coordinator and is open for business Monday through Friday; however, hours of operation will vary and be posted on the office door.

Volunteer & Community Services

The Volunteer and Community Services Program provides volunteer opportunities for students to help build sustainable and meaningful partnerships in the community. This program assists students with real world experience while enriching the lives of others and enhancing their academic experience. It is dedicated to promoting volunteerism and service learning experiences in and outside the classroom.